Good Comebacks!

by UpAndAtom 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • UpAndAtom

    I've got a great one line comeback that I would like to share... and was wondering if there are any other short but sweet ones to battle the rhetoric.

    My Dub Brother mentions that my sponsoring of children in 3rd world countries doesn't really save their soul, as only spiritual food can truely save them. To which I then reply,

    "Well... I'll keep them alive long enough, until you can save them!"

    He shuts up after that.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Yeah, like a starving person needs spiritual food. Didn't Jesus perfom many miracles that sustained huge crowds?

    Give him the loafs and fish story.

    Guest 77

  • cat1759

    The end is coming!

    Thank god I need a break!


  • rocketman

    Good comeback indeed. And actually, more true to the Bible accounst of the work of Jesus, who took care of people's physical needs as well as their spirtual ones, feeding people on numerous occasions and performing cures. The missionaries of Christendom are more true to Jesus' methods than jws are.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Great comeback....

  • RunningMan

    When asked when I am going to return to the hall, I like to respond, "What, and return to the vomit?"

  • Hamas

    When sombody thinks that they are better than everybody else including you, and is an obnoxious swine, I like to say:

    Mate, your ego is writing cheques that your body can't cash.
  • Mary

    Whenever we have a WT study on The Good Samaritan, everybody likes to make dumb comments like "and so WE should be willing to reach out to our enemies and offer them bible studies" or some such crap as that.

    Last time this happened, I put up my hand and made it clear that "this illustration is not talking about starting bible studies, it's talking about helping people in a charitable way, who are not Witnesses."

    There was dead silence after that, and the 'tower conductor din ask me no more that day, but I didn't care; I got my point across.

  • Simon

    Not quite on the topic youa re talking about, but one for when you come in wet through and some bright spark says "is it raining?" ...


    "No, I got drenched in liquid sunshine"

  • unique1

    My consistent reply when someone says something I don't agree with my comeback:

    "Well that is your opinion."

    If they balk, merely say:

    "It's ok, we are all entitled to one."

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