You're right and you can hear how dumb they sound they even have a video where the householder asked why do you even touch on scientific topics when your outdated and wrong the then it cuts out with them acting like hes going to tell him why BUT NOPE
Same Talks Again and Again
by Akid48 26 Replies latest jw experiences
Right, it's just like when they send you to to get your questions answered: I'm sure most people don't bother to go and I'm sure at some level Jehovah's Witnesses know they pass the buck by sending them there. Same thing with the video: the producer/script writer whoever hopes the audience will fill in the blanks and assume that the JW explains it to the householder and voila, happy ending, they start studying the Bible, they get baptized! It's a fill in the blank religion, they leave a lot up to you that way they don't make claims that you can disprove. Can you prove Armageddon isn't coming "soon"? No, just like you can't prove that a bar which hangs a sign which says Free beer tomorrow won't actually give out free beer tomorrow, right? Can you prove Armageddon didn't come in 1975? Yeah, it didn't come in 1975, we're still here. It's sneaky, it's insidious. It's very likely intentional, at least at some level, on the part of the Governing Body.
Seriously kid: run for the hills. Take it from someone who knows.
Wish I knew what you know at 14 when I was 14. I was almost 17 when I got dunked.
Took me until age 40 to get out.
I am 52 now, still trying to dig myself out of the financial hole caused by wasting my prime earning, learning, and investing years.
Do yourself a favor Akid: Time is on your side. Ride out the JW $hit until you are 18, don't get dunked. Take advantage of any educational opportunities now. Stay out of debt, especially student loans. Invest now. Compound interest and dividend reinvestment along with regular automatic savings will mean a REAL life when you are 52.
Good luck.
Snakes (Rich)
O.K. AKid48 you sure sound like a mature 14 year old and have been given sound advice and support on here and seeing you don`t have much legal status as a minor until you reach the age of 18 ? which is another 4 years away , I hope you have the patience to bide your time , not upset your mom too much or cause any rift in your relationship with your mom because of your seeing TTATT but your mom hasn`t yet.
Maybe she will in the future maybe she wont.
And as another poster said ,do not get baptized under any circumstances .keep deferring it
I wish you well for the future 2019 and onward .
Im really not trying to create a rift where still close I will never get baptized
Good to hear it .
Take care
Akid48: last piece of advice I'll give. If the cards come down like that, if you can walk away from the table or stay and lose more money, quite literally, lose your earning potential and pick a family that won't pick you ("create a rift"), pick yourself. Apply to colleges, move, work hard, and live the real "real life" the Governing Body always promises but never dishes out.