A while back a coworker was telling me she had a migraine in the morning and had to take some aspirin before coming to work. I was like, "Yeah, that wasn't a migraine dear. That was just a headache. If you had a migraine aspirin wouldn't do a thing and you sure as hell wouldn't be at work."
I get them 9-10 a year and I'm surprised at how often friends and co-workers think I just mean "bad headache" when I say I had migraine. It'd be equivalent to thinking that pancreatitis is just a "bad stomach ache". Not quite the same thing.
If you haven't had a migraine before consider yourself fortunate - the pain is utterly debilitating. And I don't mean "debilitating" as in this is really hard now - I mean "debilitating" as in stop you dead in your tracks thinking oh my goodness I'm going to die kind of debilitating. If you've ever had a brain freeze from drinking something cold too fast or eating ice cream too quickly than you already have some understanding the kind of pain I'm talking about. The only difference being that migraines doesn't last four or five seconds - but rather 8-14 hours. And if you can find a quite dark place to lay perfectly still - and I mean PERFECTLY still - the pain is bearable. Sit up - the pain is right back. Reach for the water on your night stand - the pain is right back. So much as cough - and the pain is right back. Add onto that some serious nausea, hyper sensitivity to light, and the weird aura vision - and you've got yourself a full blown migraine.
Anybody else get migraines regularly? And do you have any tips on how to manage pain or prevent them?