Putting aside personal views of religion (and asking for patience and understanding from those who might find our own personal negative critiques about religion in our posts unreasonable), I have found that for myself and several other ex-JWs that it takes years of being out of the Watchtower before you get an honest glimpse of what outside religions really are like.
Far from perfect, even greatly flawed, they are nothing like the devilish descriptions forced into our psyches when we used to sit hour after hour mindlessly accepting the vomit served at Kingdom Halls. Religion in general and Christendom in particular, despite all their failures, has been the subject of false representation as much as everything else outside the crusty old Watchtower.
Some are just as judgmental, somewhat controlling, maybe even equally stupid (Mormonism comes to mind when I say that), but with the type of unfairness and uncaring that stinks up the Watchtower...no, that's hard to beat.
Despite what many of us think about the whole "God" concept, most people find the relgion of their choice appealing. For the most part, many of them are "liberating" to those who join them, Many of them are at the forefront of fights for justice in the world, such as the MCC religion and Reformed Judaism. Even the "evil harlot" Catholic Church is undergoing growth, sweeping changes, and is becoming more identified with mercy and freedom under the pontificate of Francis. Calls for freedom of conscience are sounding throughout Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other relgious movements like never before.
Is it all genuine? That remains to be seen. But is any of it matching the lying descriptions of religion still in regurgitation from the Jehovah's Witnesses. No. Like everything else, they lied about religion too. Lying about reality is a form of manipulative control as well.
Again I personally have to leave the churches and religions of the world to their actions and your own interpretations of them. But one thing they aren't doing is trying to control people by lying to them about Jehovah's Witnesses and, usually, the world in general. If there was an annual award for unjust manipulative control among religious groups, I think people would be bored over the fact that the same religion has kept winning year after after year especially since 1914.