You made me spill my coffee Stan. That's one sure way to get a "shepherding" call. LOL
Shepherding visit
by donnye 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
stan livedeath
reading back over Donnys posts ten years back--it strikes me he is simply not one of the congregation "in " crowd--probably has no real friends either in the congregation--nor in the real world. it will be a sad day for him when he finally gets shoved out the door.
Typical of the organization to marginalize and/or dump you after your ability and usefulness is diminished. Think of all those Bethelites who were "reassigned". That's what you get for putting trust in men.
i looked up some watchtower articles on shepherding and it seems i can indeed ask any elders i like. so i have asked another elder to do the visit with an assistant in his group. it is all arranged and my group leader is fine about it, because he admits he keeps "running out of time" and even apologised that he had been trying to contact me, but on an old phone number.
Many thanks for your time and for all the comments that were helpful :)
Beth Sarim
JW Gone Bad;
"I've successfully thwarted each attempt by respectfully telling these meatheads that I'm doing great & am way too busy for their fuss!"
Yes. These knuckleheads DO NOT have your best interest at heart. They just have an agenda. An agenda from the CO. It is a planned visit to see how you ''stand'', or how your thoughts on the Borg are. They want to ask you questions and have conversations with you. Their motive is to ''sniff'' out doubters, or possible apostates.
Yes, sometimes the best way is just to tell them that you're doing just fine and too busy to deal with them.
Or, if they corner you at the KH or somewhere, just say you'll be home at a certain date and time, and then you slip out and do your errands or shopping or something.
In my experience shepherding calls fell into 2 categories: coffee and cake or fact finding. We did the rare one that was based upon compelling need, someone was dying of cancer or had just lost a loved one etc. those were hard.