The saddest song of all time?
by Bad_Wolf 53 Replies latest social entertainment
I spoke to god today and here,s what she said....
Charles Gillette
There are so many how about Hank Williams I'm so lonesome I could cry.
Eleanor Rigby was a really sad song by The Beatles if you listen to the lyrics. One of my favorites from them
"Hazard" by Richard Marx
Really sad to me. Makes me long for the magic and wonder of childhood. I had a wonderful one, but it's all gone now - all gone... forever gone.
Bad_Wolf: "I don't know how so many are happy or fine thinking this life is it." I think about that all the time. I can't believe that I don't have much time left. I still hope for something else. Yesterday on the way home on a lonely rural state highway, I passed by a cemetery. I looked over and thought about how it won't be long before I'll be placed in a damp, dark hole in the ground, and it'll all be over.
Pete Zahut, Dang, those are some powerful words.
compound complex
Not a song, per se, but twenty-seven million YouTube views surely say something for this very old and mournful tune attributed to Albinoni.
Anders Andersen
St. James Infirmary. Somehow I'm always identifying with the man making that sad, lone, fearsome walk.
There are many versions but I know the one by Van Morrison best:
And then there is Anywhere I lay my head by Tom Waits. The feeling of both abandonment, loneliness and acceptance that anywhere can (or must) be home. I guess it appeals to me as I've been known to say (when abroad) that as long as my wife (and now my daughter too) are with me, I wouldn't really care if my whole country and everyone I know suddenly disappeared. Probably that is what also made me have less issue with losing all JW friends. That country just disappeared and I don't care too much.
I heard this song the first time in an acapella version, and I like it much better. Somehow Tom Waits' voice distracts me from the song. Unfortunately that acapella version isn't online (except a tiny sample here ) Somehow it's much sadder like that.