On another thread I was asked by FadetoBlack about my ASD. Sorry FTB I didn't respond, but here is your post again and I will respond on this new thread.
I'm curious to know how you know you were born with Asperger's Syndrome. It seems to be extremely hard to clinically diagnose, but popular to self-diagnose. Seem's to be the rage for the past several years.
To be honest, from what I have read, I appear to be on the same spectrum. Not even sure if it is 'bad' just different. -FTB
I was diagnosed at age 36 I am 42 now and was told by professionals I was born with it. It is very hard to diagnose and there sometimes are traits but a full diagnosis is not given, it depends on the professional. You may very well have it and it's good to know if you really want to work on your difficulties and focus on your special abilities.
I don't know how the health system works in Poland today, but when my mother was young other illnesses were the priority. I know she has it too, but in the same vein a lot of Eastern Europeans are more passionate than the reserved British individual, so she may stand out as different because of her culture.
I have felt a sense of relief being diagnosed. So if you think you have it pursue diagnosis and get second opinions you might get support and help that will benefit you and your family members.
Thanks for asking
Kate xx