But where else should we go? Can you answer this question?

by purrpurr 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • purrpurr

    Having watched many JC YouTube videos one question that gets asked is "where else would you go?". In other words if not Jehovah's witnesses then what other religion or organisation would you go to?

    It's one that I have trouble answering, what would you say?

  • slimboyfat

    First thing to point out is that it's a misquote from Peter who asked Jesus "Lord, whom else shall we go to?" John 6:68

    As usual JWs discursively displace Jesus and put the organisation in his place, so they ask "where" rather than "who".

  • ChrisIncredulous

    I would just say:

    Believe it or not, you don't (in fact you shouldn't) go anywhere. At least not right away. As someone considering leaving a cult, you will feel a natural vacuum in your life left by all the cult friends, beliefs, and activites you had.

    Resist the urge to fit yourself in another box, because the sad fact is that many people go from cult to cult trying to fill the void. Breathe, relax. Do something non-demanding and all encompassing like a classes in a new hobby, or busy yourself with a personal project. Go out with your workmates or any outside person you feel comfortable with.

    Rushing to plug the gaping hole in your self-image might make you settle for less. As a cult survivor, you deserve more. Be kind to yourself! Eat, drink and be merry!

  • freemindfade

    I'd rather have questions without answers than answers I can't question.

    Just because a religion or ideology gives you their explanation to everything in the universe or hope, it doesn't make it truth. Its an empty statement. Islam they could say where else where we get our 70 virgins, or Mormons our own planet...

    Its a dead end thought stopping comment that is empty. It means they've given up and are reduced to the most idiotic response.

  • phats

    Why do you need to go anywhere? Ask yourself. Do I need to be told everything I do, think & say. (If you do them you's in Danger.)

    Satan was right. you will have the power to know what is right & wrong & the the borg is screwed. No power = No money stream.

    There are loads of places to go where you can choose the kind of people you mix with.

    Just my thoughts. Phats.

  • phats

    That may get you DFed if you are still in though. So act with caution. Phats.

  • OneEyedJoe

    If you're in a burning building, you first worry about getting out. No one stays in the building because they don't know where else they'll go to find shelter from the elements. When revelation tells us "get out of her, my people" there is no equivocation and no allowance for delay on the basis of planning your next destination. Clearly the only right course is to first get out, then start worrying about where to go next.

  • John Free
    John Free

    I would ask him if he is aware that groups I have come across such as the Mormons, the moonies and the scientologists use exactly the same expression.

    I would ask him if he is aware that leading psychologists believe that such groups slowly condition their members to feel afraid of the outside world and use this expression as a thought stopping mechanism, to train the minds of their followers to resist any critism of the group.

    I would ask him if he was aware that the word 'organisation' doesn't appear anywhere in the bible and that the idea that you can only serve God through an organisation isn't based on scripture.

    I would ask him if its sensible to believe that the only channel of communication between God and men would be a watchtower organisation that is responsible for hundreds of failed prophercy predictions, far more than other religions.

    I would ask him why some of Satan's organizations have a far better record of dealing with child sexual abuse than Jehovah's organization.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Try getting involved with life! It's really pretty interesting and fun!

    just saying!


  • stuckinarut2

    As has been said by others already, Every high control "Christian" group uses the same reasoning.

    Just live life! That is "where we can go" - living life, being a good person and contributing to the community by helping other people. Simple.

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