I would ask him if he is aware that groups I have come across such as the Mormons, the moonies and the scientologists use exactly the same expression.
I would ask him if he is aware that leading psychologists believe that such groups slowly condition their members to feel afraid of the outside world and use this expression as a thought stopping mechanism, to train the minds of their followers to resist any critism of the group.
I would ask him if he was aware that the word 'organisation' doesn't appear anywhere in the bible and that the idea that you can only serve God through an organisation isn't based on scripture.
I would ask him if its sensible to believe that the only channel of communication between God and men would be a watchtower organisation that is responsible for hundreds of failed prophercy predictions, far more than other religions.
I would ask him why some of Satan's organizations have a far better record of dealing with child sexual abuse than Jehovah's organization.