The Jehovah’s Witness bagged themselves a Big One when they got Professor Raj Kalaria, to speak about his belief

by Watchtower-Free 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sir82

    I really want to know what the slam dunk proof that evolution is completely wrong is.


    The scientist who can produce compelling evidence of the incorrectness of evolution would be hailed as a hero, win every Nobel prize it is possible to win, and would go down in history as more famous than Newton, Darwin, Einstein, and Hawking combined.

    Demonstrating that previous scientists were wrong (e.g. Einstein) is the key to the advancement of science.

  • bohm

    My guess is they don't want him to speak too much about evolution because (like Behe) he only denies aspects of evolutionary theory while embracing parts that are seen as problematic.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    It sounds to me that this man is not a very objective scientist to draw this conclusion:

    "after reading the Bible, (I) decided that there could only be One True God, and this was the one that created things as complex as the human brain."

    He decided on the basis of reading the Bible (which was polytheistic in its early texts) that there must be one god and not myriads. Where does he supply evidence for monotheism? Does it follow that the human brain was created by this one god? Not at all, it is just a belief.

    In other words it is merely his opinion since he gives no solid basis for it. For example, the notion that a god exists is the same premise for all believers and yet it has to be agreed there is no concrete evidence for god and equally no evidence that he does not exist. This balance does not make a god more likely. Unless evidence could be found no one should proceed on the basis of belief. If he uses mere belief in his professional life of old age related care he would be dismissed.

    It is here where the friction lies and the JW org takes advantage of it; where a scientist gives personal opinions which are sanctioned as acceptable only on the basis of his or her academic status.

    Fortunately the scientific world attracts fewer believers these days but those who are can be pounced on for theist quotes.

  • bohm

    Half Banana:

    And what is it even supposed to mean the brain is too complex? According to evolution the human brain evolved over the past 6-12 million years from a brain that (crudely said) resembles that of a chimp. So is it this process which he decided was impossible because the "difference in complexity" (asides the volume, what is the difference?) is too large? What about the difference between a modern human and our closer ancestors? What about a modern human and a neanderthal?

    How does he as a scientist establish these supposed evolutionary bounds?

    How does he as a scientist think it is reasonable to put more weight on his intuition about the complexity of human brains than the many, many very concrete observations that disconfirms the WT account of creation, for instance the many observations that confirm modern humans as a species are older than 50'000 years.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Yes Bohm, the facts as scientists have shown demonstrates an evolving human brain evidenced from the endocasts (moulds taken from inside crainia) of our pre-human forebears. Bi-pedalism allowed for development of the human head. With cunning and manual dexterity being a part of the evolving human pedigree the brain expansion took place filling out the face and removing by degrees the eyebrow ridges and the cranial ridge (strongly in evidence in gorillas). There is no directional pattern towards humanity since other genera split off and still exist like gorillas and orangs.

    Where in this scientifically recorded development did god intervene and make a "complex human brain". He didn't...the guy at Newcastle Raj Kalaria is not to be believed.

    A professorial chair is normally given to those individuals who know authoritatively and broadly about things...not to believers because of their beliefs.

  • freemindfade
    Keralia is a professor in neuropathology? Is it just me or is it a stretch to call this man a scientist? Sounds like a rouge academic to me. Also look at ben Carson, he's a freaking brain surgeon who is not only a bible thumping creationist, but believed some pretty wacky stuff about the pyramids. Also he ran for president but that is not as impressive as brain surgery.
  • Phizzy

    I watched the video by Yaroslav Dovhanych, as he is a Zoologist, so perhaps his opinion carries a tad more weight than a Neuropathologist on Evolution.

    As pointed out above, his video contains this gem :

    " It’s contents are accurate and authentic to this day. And the Bible contains many prophesies which history confirms have been fulfilled exactly as the Bible foretold "

    The Bible contains a huge quantity of inaccurate information from its two Creation accounts onward, and does not contain ONE true "foretelling of events" as Prof Dovhanych defines Prophecy.

    That rather puts the kibosh on his opinions as to Evolution, IMHO.

    It makes me ask, if his "study" of the Bible is so superficial as to bring him to the frankly silly opinion above, then how deep has his study of Evolutionary Theory been ? not deep at all evidently, as he would know the answer to his spurious question on DNA.

  • bohm

    To their credit, Jehovahs Witness has in a way created the undebunkable argument: A guy in a labcoat with a PhD who simply affirms evolution is not true.

  • Phizzy

    Dear bohm, I agree you cannot debunk a non-argument, a true argument contains facts that are checkable and can be examined and defended, or destroyed.

    His presentation was not really an argument, but just his opinion, based upon we know not what.

  • Vidiot

    konceptual99 - "I really want to know what the slam dunk proof that evolution is completely wrong is."

    Whoever found it would become a billionaire overnight.

    The simple fact that this has never happened is telling in and of itself.

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