Will the Watchtower answer truthfully?

by Ariell 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ariell

    I told my mother about the UN Scandal. Of course she knew nothing about it.

    Me: Mom, it's on the official website. Their name is listed in the directory.

    Her: Anyone could have put that there. (an apostate of course)

    Me: It doesn't work that way.

    Her: The UN could have lied.

    Me: The Watchtower officially said they did it for a library card. I can show you a scanned copy.

    Her: Anyone could have forged that letter.

    Me: I can show it to you on an official news site.

    Her: I won't believe it until I hear it from the horses mouth.

    So here I am, trying to figure out how to get it from the horse's mouth. Will the society be willing to admit to a mere questioner they were a member just for a library card? Would it be better to email or snail mail?

  • blondie

    She is in what I call the "don't confuse me with the facts" stage or the DENIAL stage. The harder you push the more ridiculous their responses will get. I encountered similar responses when trying to establish children had been abused or that individuals were alcoholics.


  • starfish422

    How frustrating for you to be hit with those programmed, "What to say when someone says...." responses. Yet another sad illustration of the brainwashing tactics of the borg; and your mom's response, "I won't believe it until I hear it from the horse's mouth". Of course the GB *is* the horse for the faithful Dubs; it's a horse that talks out of its a$$.

  • tinkerbell82

    that sounds like my mom to a T. I dont even try anymore.

  • Elsewhere

    Tell her to call the service department or write them... of course she will have to come face-to-face with the wrath of the elders after the service department notifies them that she is asking questions that indicate doubt in the FDS.

  • twinkletoes

    Its very doubtful !

    We wrote to the London Bethell, enclosing a copy of a letter which we had received from the UN (also a copy of the envelope with the official UN stamp on it) - we asked them to let us know what was the truth about all of this ( or words to that effect) but they didn't even to acknowledge our letter, we waited for over 6 months for a reply, and then we wrote to the local body of elders, to explain that we hadn't rec'd a reply from the London Bethel, and asked for them to answer our questions within 14 days. We also said that if the could not respond to our request we wished our names to be removed from all records of Jehovahs Witnesses (after 32 years in the "truth") Bang on the 14th day, we rec'd a one line letter saying that in response to our letter they had now removed our names from their records. no mention of the UN and a few other points we had raised.

    Now we are being shunned, although they are the guilty ones.


  • Gamaliel

    I'd commend her for realizing that this is something so important that she would expect that denial would be the proper response. Tell her that other JWs when they learn about the excuse the WT gave, just went along with it and parrotted the excuse as if it was good enough saying: "see it was only so they could have access to a library card."

    To get the most mileage out of this "argument" if that's what you need, you would have to try to get her to expand on what she would think if she did find out that the WT says it was for a library card. Whether she admits it or not, she may then realize that she would just go along with it as the correct explanation as you told her all other JWs do. This could trigger her own realization that she is being a blind follower. Sooner or later she'll realize that other JWs already know about it.

    BTW, if she is in contact with any fairly honest elders, they should be willing to tell her. All the elders should know. It is worth a try to write them, because they might at least respond with another version of their previous excuses.


  • bluesapphire

    I like Gamaliel's idea. The conversation could go something like this:

    YOU: I'm glad you're not a blind follower mom. I'm glad you want to get to the bottom of this. It makes me have so much more respect for you than for all those other witnesses who just parrot the "it's just for a library card excuse." By the way, what would you think about that as a reason if in fact the Watchtower Society was registered as an NGO?

    MOM: ho-hum ho-hum (thinking: shut up and don't make me think too hard.) No comment.

    YOU: Here is the number to the New York Headquarters xxx-xxxx. Let's call them right now.

    MOM: Well, uh, let me talk to the elders first.

    YOU: Good idea. Let's call the elders right away.....

    MOM: No I'll call later.

    YOU: Okay, I'll call you tomorrow to see what they said.

    Don't let this matter drop. Keep telling her that you're proud of her that she is just like the Boreans. Then when the elders pay her a little "encouraging" visit, she'll remember your words to her that she is not a blind follower. And when they tell her to drop it, she will know and remember your words.

  • garybuss

    Trying to reason with a real Jehovah's Witness is like trying to reason with a drunk.

    Arguing with a real Jehovah's Witness is like being in a pissing contest with a skunk.

  • logansrun
    Trying to reason with a real Jehovah's Witness is like trying to reason with a drunk.

    Arguing with a real Jehovah's Witness is like being in a pissing contest with a skunk.

    How clever.

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