Great to see you!
Still alive and kicking
by Jourles 25 Replies latest jw friends
I remember. I always liked your avatar
Nice to see you! I don't believe we have met. I'm one of the overlapping generation forum members...
May I ask what prompted you to reconnect with JW stuff?
Nathan Natas
You're looking good, in a most appropriate and manly way.
Any day on this side of the dirt is a good day.
Best wishes,
- NN
Still Totally ADD
Jourles welcome back. I seem to remember you when I first came on this site. I started as Totally ADD then my computer died and lost my password so now I am called Still Totally ADD. Thank you for being ones of the original posters that kept this site going. It has helped so many people who escaped the wt. cult. I would like to ask you some questions. How did you find this site? What was it like in the early days to post here? Were you paranoid a little the wt. would somehow find you out? How is this site now compared to when you first came on? I feel many here would be interested in your answer. Good to hear from you. Take care. Still Totally ADD
It's good to see old faces still here and still flying high.
I remember you from way back when. I'm not sure it's been 18 years for me, but getting close. Good to be happy and still out!
Hi Jourles, Irreverent and I say hey.
Hey Jourles! Another long-timer here. Good to see a few familiar faces.
Would love to hear more of your story