Being that time of the year when you can buy turkeys so cheap (most JW's I know but at least a couple) or in some cases food stores give one away with a purchase exceeding some dollar amount, I was just interested in any interesting recipes.
We usually do the brine thing (3/4 cup salt to 1 gallon of water, a few packets of chicken bouillon, some random additional spices, dry or fresh as desired). Cover the turkey completely and then let it soak overnight ( we usually do about an hour a pound). Not a real precise recipe but it does, in our opinion, make for a much more juicy bird without the typical dryness that often happens.
Depending on the size of your refrigerator, it may take some gymnastics to get a big pot with a turkey in it. We sometimes take out a shelf to accommodate the size of the pot. On the other hand, we generally but smaller turkeys (10-12 pounds) that don't require a really big pot.
Anyway, any other recipe ideas? I may try using a smoker this time. I have had smoked turkey and thought it was very good.
Any thoughts?
Rub a Dub