As for the new system. I expressed my hatred of this doctrne a month ago and my personal reasons for my anger. (It kills people)
The new system at first glance is nice... tropical... the whole world to explore...animals living in peace.... and...WAIT
Who on here has beeen attacked by a wild animal? I mean it is a rarity. As for the first two of tropical and the world well there it is>> many of those countriees are low on covid too!
So far no hope.. ok... ressurection and grampa comes back at 20 and looks for 20 year old grandma chasing alaexander the great (also 20) whose handsome. My dad might end up with someone else beside my mother who still lives... Is this paradise or a $hithole?
Okay.. we live and die... accept it and move on and make a differeance.... leave the world a better place then you entered... it's easy today in the 21st century!
In fact I would propose that the world of over 7 illions people despite some in some areas being in poverty and some having covid and other illnesses... we are better then the Jews of Jesus day!