The governor of Massachusetts has just declared a state of emergency. Other governors are doing the same. Maybe Jehovah’s Witnesses will stop congregating together.
How Are JWs Affected By The Coronavirus?
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
From what I have heard, those attending the one day assemblies will be required to have a Clorox enema prior to entering.
There will be a suggested contribution for this loving provision.
Rub a Dub
How are they affected? I dunno about your jw's, but mine has gone bat shit crazy paranoid about it! sigh, yes, it is awful, we should all take necessary precautions and so forth but this 24-7 news cycle on it is not helping people who can't wait for the Big A.
I should correct the above, not crazy enough to miss a meeting. Mine will go in public and so forth, but other comments are
Doubting bro-Maybe whoever runs that Texas Bethel Tours site can use the time to study English.
I grew up in Texas. That was good sentence structure and use of wording 'for them there parts'. lol
I would imagine rumors are all over about this being the start of the great tribulation. The gb would probably not say but allow the thoughts AND rumors to spread. It helps them.
A friend said that in at least some part of Seattle they've stopped meetings and field service. I have no other details, but that's not something I had ever heard of.
compound complex
In areas where there is an outbreak of disease, it may be necessary for the branch office to temporarily cancel congregation meetings, assemblies, and other theocratic events. This has been the case in some areas where the COVID-19 virus has hit the hardest, such as in certain regions of Italy, Japan, and South Korea. Based on local circumstances, the elders may be able to provide access to recorded meetings, which publishers can watch from home. Publishers may be able to participate in the ministry through phone calls, text messages, e-mails, or letters.
If they had half the brains of the viruses, they would cancel the whole thing for this. No more boasting sessions. No more field circus to spread coronavirus door to door (they will place more cases of coronavirus than anything else). No more big or grand boasting sessions, at least until the end of July and possibly much later. And forget about that annual wastefest where no one partakes anyways. If they really must work for the enslavement of the world, they can do it as easily online.
But, of course a coronavirus is smarter than the jokehovian witlesses. They just listen to their Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, who tell them to trust in joke-hova and refuse to suspend field circus requirements or to cancel the sacred wastefest. Which means most of them will get sick. And, as if that wasn't bad enough, they will be unprepared for the shortages and panic that come with it. How many of them lack so much as an extra jar of peanut butter or bag of rice or pasta? All because they are supposed to trust in joke-hova, who is such a coward that it will not expose itself to the disease and laughs at us when we suffer.
And hounding calls? If they are going to do it, they are not going to let such a little thing stop them. Many of these hounding calls will be, not about some "sins", but about finding out what they can steal from people to place in a communal supply. Every box of crackers, every bag of rice, every jar of peanut butter, every can of vegetables or soup "belongs" to joke-hova and must go into a communal supply. If anything, I am more worried about stunts like that than about the virus itself. I will not even let them come and spread coronavirus itself to me, let alone know what I have for them to steal. (And I will make them waste even more time by telling them in German instead of English, so they will have a miserable time understanding anything).
Not to mention, I hope the shortages prevent them from doing much field circus. They should be wasting more time going grocery shopping in distant towns, trying to find items that have disappeared from store shelves while they were too busy preparing to spread common flu from door to door (to be followed by coronavirus). I hope this teaches them that joke-hova is not to be trusted--they trusted in joke-hova, and that thing let them down again. But, if they are not even as smart of the viruses, they probably will keep on trusting that thing regardless and go on their usual business while many are getting sick, not from the virus, but from malnutrition.
And I hope those responsible for this lousy response (namely, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger) all get coronavirus and suffer miserably. They are the ones that really deserve it the most.
Anders Andersen
What has happened to all the need-greaters in China? Did they get out and go to quarantine? They would have to write letters to keep up with their hour requirement.
Haha. Chinese JW don't really preach like we know anyway. JW preaching is a clandestine operation over there. So they don't do carts or house to house. They simply try to befriend colleagues, neighbours etc and after they trust each other enough they may introduce some 'you want a good family life too' nonsense.
Writing letters would be a great way for need greeters to be arrested and deported for engaging in illegal activities.
In my neck of the woods in E.G. Victoria,Australia I would imagine that "the end is nigh" is at the utmost of the minds of JW`s.
Just in this past 6 months we have had devastating bushfires ,floods in some parts ,a hailstone storm that wrecked my back deck where my roof looks like its covered in swiss cheese and now with COVID-19 and the 3 Supermarkets here with depleted stocks of toilet paper ,paper towels,and tissues ,along with hand cleansers ,I`m pretty sure its not only the JW`s that are thinking "the end is nigh" ?
I am now lamenting the time I dumped all of our WT literature, we sure could use all of those pages for toilet paper.