Are We Living In The Last Days?

by Vanderhoven7 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cadellin

    Hard data supports the fact that the 20th century as a whole and the latter half of the 20th century through today, in particular, have been among the most peaceful, disease-free and nutritionally expansive times in which to live. Share facts from Max Roser's excellent website Our World in Data, which includes charts like this one:

    or this one:

    This does not mean that there have not been horribly massive crises on our globe but it has to be comparative, doesn't it? That is, for the last days prophecy to mean anything, it has to be in comparison with something else. And when you compare the past, it becomes clear that while we are facing real challenges right now, we are still in a much better situation globally than ever before. I doubt this will change your friend's mind, though, since belief in the last days for most JWs is not a matter of facts.

  • Vanderhoven7

    NSo many good answers...Joen, you nailed it biblically, but the Bible doesn't stand a chance against the word of men in New York. So I am going with Fadeaway's and Cadellin's responses.


  • nowwhat?

    The reason the pandemic is not as bad as first thought. Is because most people are working together in a spirit of cooperation. Far cry from how the jdub's picture worldly people

  • EverApostate

    Men will be lovers of money and themselves: History says that any given society in any timeframe had always had people like this

    Plagues : Always had plagues in history. In fact the mortal rate was even greater before becasue people didnt understand the root cause.

    Earth Quakes : Does any geological society say that Eartquakes have increased since the 20th century. No. These were always there. Even a mild earthquake in any part of the world is recorded and published now. Thats the difference. Why do earthquakes occur in the first place ? Earth wasnt created good ? Manufacturing defect?

    Good news will be preached in all the earth : Really. What about countries where JW are banned ?

    Mocking about the last days: Christians have been saying that the time they are living are the last days, for 2000 years. What else to do other than mock it

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    so where did this virus come from :jehovah ?...isnt he the creator of all things ?

  • JoenB75


    I hope in the long run it will be a combination of Bible and other arguments that turn the person

  • JoenB75

    Stqn livedeath,

    An unbalance in the Force.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Joen..yes for those incultcated (did I just coin a new word?) it often requires the bad news before the good news can penetrate.

    Reminds me of a joke. A persons dentist sent him to a dental surgeon with the instruction to extract tooths 1-32. Unfortunately the surgeon extracted every tooth including 1 and 32, instead of just 1 and 32. When the patient woke up the surgeon, realizing his mistake, tells the patient, I've got good and bad news for you. What's the bad news he asks. Unfortunately I misread the referral and pulled every last tooth in your mouth. Oh no, came the response, what's the good news. The guy in the waiting room wants to buy your toothbrush.

    Sorry, I know it's a groaner.

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    Yeah any thing with the WT involved will just be ignored or justified. The WT has done a good job on short circuiting any attacks on it's beliefs. They are insidious.

    Definition of insidious

    1a: having a gradual and cumulative effect : SUBTLEthe insidious pressures of modern life
    bof a disease : developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent
    2a: awaiting a chance to entrap : TREACHEROUS
    b: harmful but enticing : SEDUCTIVEinsidious drugs
  • JimmyYoung

    You can see the last days in anything if you are looking for it. Things keep rolling on. The left has been pushing the fake crap of global warming and its the end of the world. Remember when Ted Danson said 20 years ago that the seas would die in 10 years? Or in the 70s when the fake news said that there was a global cooling. Death and destruction sell. This is why the Enquirer sells so well even though its nothing but BS.

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