So the cult is getting into film production. I saw Evans piece on the JWs opening a studio in Australia. One thing I see is if they use the people who are drawn to acting one they will create internal stars. This is an issue I don't see ending well. If any of the so called stars defect they can have a huge influence on the other cult members. Second people who are drawn to acting and are natural at it are many times have homosexual tendencies. This is a fact and as many insider hollyweird people said, Half of hollyweird need to come out of the closet and the other half quit lying about being gay. We all know that Bethel has an issue with homosexuality. There have already been a lot of cover ups about it. I know of one bethelite that that was sent back to his congregation and he said it was because of something that did not look right between himself and the guy he was bunking with at Bethel. I have heard a lot of stories like this. I am sure more was going on then something not looking right. LOL. The other thing IMO is that the cult has become more and more like the Mega Televangelist churches they railed against in the 80s. Is this some kind of way they think they can keep the rank and file? I doubt that it will bring in converts to any large scale. Any thoughts on the Movie making of the cult?
JWs getting into film production what could go wrong
by mickbobcat 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
people who are drawn to acting and are natural at it are many times have homosexual tendencies.
What can you tell about them by measuring the shape & size of their skull, and counting the bumps?
It's 90% about keeping the jdub's engaged. Interjecting short videos throughout the talks at the convention made sitting there for 7 hours a lot more tolerable. Even if it was nonsense. As has been noted they ran out of substance so they have to rely on bells and whistles now. So evidently Jehovah told the gb they now need movies, videos, cartoons and music videos to spread the message!
One thing I see is if they use the people who are drawn to acting one they will create
internalMOVIE stars.Once they become STARS, they can contribute millions to the Organization just like other cults.
The National Health Interview Study reported in July 2014 that 1.6 percent of Americans identify as gay or lesbian, and 0.7 percent identify as bisexual.
If it seems to you that the percentage of gay actors is higher, then it may either be that gay people are more attracted to the arts, or that actors receive more publicity than the average person and therefore you hear more about gay actors than you do, say, gay plumbers or gay grocery clerks, giving you a false impression that there are more gay actors than there actually are. This is not to say that being gay is good bad or what ever. Its just a fact that in the Theatrical industry there is a much larger percentage of homosexuals than in many other trades.
Anony Mous
Hollywood is also an echo chamber, everyone in Hollywood that is not extreme-left gets rejected and blacklisted which results in more alphabetsoups being part of the group as you have to be pretty darn left to reject biological realities.
This is the same as saying that there are no alphabetsoup JW's and all JWs normalize child sex offenders - which is true, leftists in general would not be attracted to the message and anyone that does engage in practices or points out the sex offender problem gets promptly kicked out of the group.
There are conservative filmmakers, quite a bit of the best films in the 70s and 80s came from right-wing figures. Some of the best actors around both established and up-and-coming are conservative. You don't hear from them because they have an uphill battle getting recognized. But Jerry Bruckheimer, Matthew McConaughey, Adam Sandler, Vince Vaughn, Joe Pesci, Scott Baio, Jon Voight, John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Charlton Heston, Keanu Reeves are or were some of the best actors and directors in history, and you haven't seen a good movie since Hollywood started actively blackballing some of these actors - literally look at the top rated movies (by viewers) of all time, the last one was The Dark Knight (2008) which was more than 10 years ago now.
So then we can expect many gay JWS to be in these video productions ???
The people they pick for these video productions are untrained actors with muted skills, which in reality doesn't matter because everyone there viewing and performing are brainwashed within the cult.
Most of these video productions are done in ancient biblical times when men and woman dress differently ie. beards on men etc., so these people are not going to be recognizable outside for these productions generally speaking.
Haha think the worst that could even have happene, is having the half dead GB giving speeches on broadcasting. There's nothing more damaging for org then that coming on JW broadcasting.
59 I think also that the GB now being streamed into the JW cult members LR is going to back fire. When I was in the cult the GB was something you only heard about and they were mystical to most of us. Now they are there for all to see just how stupid and idiotic they are in real life HD. They don't see this because they live in a huge bubble and think its all just business as usual. But to those not used to seeing their oracles the shine is off the silver.
Like I've said before...
...the Org should produce a true-to-the-text adaptation of the Revelation Climax book (after the JesusVision miniseries is finished... shared universes are all the rage, now, after all).
I swear, it'd be the most fucked-up, batshit-crazy-looking thing ever seen.