I am having quite a bit of trouble leaving and fading. Does anyone have recommendations of an exit therapist? It doesn't matter where they are located, I need to get out physically, mentally, and emotionally. I've read Steve Hassan's books and others like it, but truly need someone to help cut these cords! Thanks!
Exit therapist
by Beachlover 30 Replies latest jw friends
I am sorry Beachlover, but I don't know anyone who does what you're looking for. Ironically, I was thinking about this today. I was thinking that I would like to embark on a career as a therapist specifically for ex JW's. It seems that there are so few therapists who thoroughly understand the org and the damaging influence it holds over members lives.
I have been using Dr. Bill Goldberg located in Englewood NJ for 8 months.
His wife is also in the field.
My boyfriend used Marlene Winell and there is a therapist who was a former JW , Bonnie Zieman. She wrote a book, Exiting the JW Cult, A Healing Handbook.
Thomas saith unto him, ... how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
The bible is made of fictional story telling ie the book of Revelation, told by the ancients with a specific intent to create power and appealing relevance to their god(s)
I think Beachlover needs some practical psychological help to remove the fear induced trauma the WTS indoctrinates people with.
Releasing the thought that Jesus the imaginary god of the ancients is here judging people to their worthiness to be saved isn't helping that cause ....... right Perry .... moron
The Rebel
I think you will find many " qualified" therapists on this site. Check out a thread by " compound & complex" titled " The natural beauty of our neighborhood" or maybe the best therapy is to find something of real value to you? Something you can attach your life too. So maybe the answer is found in your user name " Beachlover". The world is fall of beautiful beaches.
The ( beach loving) Rebel.
Some good practical suggestions for therapists.
While you are searching for one may I direct your attention to Eric Hoffer who wrote The True Believer. While he never mentions the WTBTS he defines similar groups in broad strokes by describing what they try to do to their followers. Here are a few quotes:
Here, as elsewhere, the technique of a mass movement aims to infect people with a malady and then offer the movement as a cure.
An effective mass movement cultivates the idea of sin. It depicts the autonomous self not only as barren and helpless but also as vile. To confess and repent is to slough off one’s individual distinctness and separateness, and salvation is found by losing oneself in the holy oneness of the congregation.
whether or not [religious organizations] develop into mass movements depends less on the doctrine they preach and the program they project than on the degree of their preoccupation with unity and the readiness for self-sacrifice.
The fiercest fanatics are often selfish people who were forced, by innate shortcomings or external circumstances, to lose faith in their own selves. They separate the excellent instrument of their selfishness from their ineffectual selves and attach it to the service of some holy cause. And though it be a faith of love and humility they adopt, they can neither be loving nor humble.
Giordano: While you are searching for one may I direct your attention to Eric Hoffer who wrote The True Believer. While he never mentions the WTBTS he defines similar groups in broad strokes by describing what they try to do to their followers.
Excellent book
Hoffer identifies the 'stripping away of self' as a primary feature of cult/mass movement techniques that are employed to capture followers. A follower becomes a true believer by disengaging from their own, personal identity, and replacing that with the cult's identity
It is the loss of self that keeps people captive inside ideological groups and it is the discovery of self that is the antidote
That is why this comment is inappropriate and not helpful:
perry: Thomas saith unto him, ... how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Perry, Beachlover needs to find herself, not some imaginary father in the sky
The way to freedom is by developing a sense of self, not by remaining dependent upon a mythical existence in some imaginary future or an imaginary being. The more a person is comfortable with their own being, dependence upon others' ideology becomes redundant.
Good luck, beachlover. You can do this
I know a couple who are both therapists who specialize in exit counseling and support for current and former members of organizations like the WT.
Their names are Bill and Lorna Goldberg. Their website is www.blgoldberg.com
They do private individual therapy, but also have a support group (the group is free to attend).
I hope this helps.
I believe Dr. Winell (Leaving the Fold) does sessions via Skype.