Poll Result: 82% ex-Dubs are happier since leaving the Watchtower

by ozziepost 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    ........or up the pole??

    Say, I've hijacked my own thread!!!!!


  • jst2laws


    Ozzie seems to be in a very good mood. Is it the approaching week-end?

    Here is the link Mini,



  • ozziepost


    I've just shared a lovely bottle of Italian Merlot with Mrs Ozzie at the Apostates Restaurant....so, yes, I'm in a good mood!!.....and what about those 82%, eh?? No-one feel sad or has regrets. Ain't that encouraging? Good news.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Amazing

    What? You've got to be kidding! As Elsewhere would say, "Jehover's people are a Happy People" ... how can this be? How can an evil Apostate who is supposed to nash his teeth ever be happy?

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    I hope you forward this info. to the Awake publishers 'Watching The World' so they can share the poll results! Yeah right.

    Guest 77

  • rocketman

    Since becoming inactive I am miserable.You see, now I have time on my hands. I have Tuesday and Thursday evenings to spend time doing things I enjoy. I have weekend mornings to get work done at home so that I can enjoy the afternoons off rather than rushing to get things done.

    I have time now to read, to relax, to watch a sporting event, to go to a sporting event.

    I have time to actually read the Bible and to think about what it says, and to draw conclusions.

    I have time to travel if I wish, time to really talk with my daughter, time to actually visit family and friends.

    Yeah, I'm miserable.

  • rocky220
  • Kenneson

    Why am I not surprised? Just to be free from the Tower's control removes a heavy burden on anyone. And if that doesn't make you happy, I don't know what will.

  • jst2laws


    I said:

    Ozzie seems to be in a very good mood.

    You replied

    I've just shared a lovely bottle of Italian Merlot with Mrs Ozzie at the Apostates Restaurant......so, yes, I'm in a good mood!!.....and what about those 82%, eh?? No-one feel sad or has regrets. Ain't that encouraging? Good news. ..

    Have I told you what a good example of an apostate you are?


  • christopherceo

    I would have thought the number would be closer to 100% since leaving the org. means freedom of thought

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