Why is Life Expectancy in the USA So Low Compared to Other Countries?

by RubaDub 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    How would it be if we factored out drugs, people smoking cancer sticks, gorging on fast, good-tasting poison all the time, that people get more high fructose corn syrup and aspartame than exercise, and such things as drink drivers? Such as chemtrails in the air (which, besides toxic heavy metals to poison us with, blocks out vitamin D making sunlight) and poisons in the food shortens your life, especially when you throw in a few stupid courses of drugs. True, the most expensive sick care system in the world, but not the best--when they want everyone on needless cholesterol drugs, that is not health.

    Put this along with the curses in that stupid bible--that limit your lifespan to a paltry 120 years. Without that bible, and without joke-jova, we would be easily living more than 500 years (that is 500, not 50). They further curse us "our days amount to 70 years. And if, by special mightiness, they amount to 80 years". Anyone living past 80 years old is in violation of that scripture, and that is why you don't see people living to 150 years old. Joke-hova can't stand us living 500 or more years, and being fulfilled in the process, so that thing wrote these curses and had its people reading them to reinforce them. None more so than here in the United Tyranny of Stupidity.

  • RubaDub

    Now they are advertising voice activated faucets...you don't even have to walk across the kitchen to get the water.

    tiki ...

    I'll be interested when they have the technology to have voice activated toilets ... when you won't have to run to the bathroom in the last few minutes of a football game.

    Maybe something like, "Alexa, I have to poop". And it's done!

    Rub a Dub

  • Jazzbo

    US statistics are skewed by inner city ghettos and illegal immigrants. These people do not have healthy life styles and do not seek medical care appropriately. All this 'diversity' hammers our statistics. You are trying to make a political point but it falls apart when you look at internal numbers.

  • RubaDub

    US statistics are skewed by inner city ghettos and illegal immigrants.

    Jazzbo ...

    By the tone of your comment, just use the words blackies and wetbacks. Or better yet, just use the N word. True, they often cannot afford proper health care in our system. As Trump calls the people in countries in Africa and Haiti, and I quote, "shit hole countries."

    But people like you and I, whites, are real people and live longer. Yea !!!!!!

    Rub a Dub

  • scary21

    Wow really, In MI if you make under $16,400 you go on Healthy MI. Pretty much free. If you make less you get Medicaid .. FREE ... People don't take care of their teeth but wear gold chains. Sorry I have to agree with Jazzbo. For drug addicts, you can have a $1,000 shot once a month. If you are told you have Bi-Polar and everyone that I know that goes to mental health clinic has it. $1,100 a month for meds and don't even take it !..... If you do need med to breathe that cost $350 forget it..... Asked my dads best friend his words of wisdom (85 years) he said " stay away from doctors they will kill you " I think he has something there . I see nothing in Jazzbo's TONE...Oh one more thing... People go to the ER for a stubbed toe. Just took someone to the ER yesterday.

  • Spiral

    And then there's what we feed our kids at school in the US. Food bought from big agrabusiness for our kids. Profit, yes, nutrition, no......

  • fulano

    My dog wouldnt it eat..

  • RubaDub

    Fried, sugar and carbs ... the three main elements in the American food pyramid.

    Rub a Dub

  • 2+2=5
    US statistics are skewed by inner city ghettos and illegal immigrants. These people do not have healthy life styles and do not seek medical care appropriately. All this 'diversity' hammers our statistics. You are trying to make a political point but it falls apart when you look at internal numbers
    ..because the typical middle class white American is a vision of health, I doubt they would ever consume things like red meat and refined carbs in excess. In reality we see affluence comes with a host of potential health dangers
  • RubaDub

    Let the world know, we Americans are proud to have a TV show called Man vs. Food in which someone gorges himself to eat a 5 pound steak, a 36 inch pizza, 10 huge hamburgers or some other gut-wrenching thing.

    And don't forget our national holiday, the 4th of July. On Coney Island, New York, there is the annual Nathan's hot dog eating contest where you try to eat 50 hot dogs or something and then go and throw up.

    Aren't we proud !!!!!

    Rub a Dub

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