Maybe cofty and simon can clearly tell me what the video promotes. Because clearly me and a lot of other don't understand it the way they do.
Well I think it's pretty obvious what the video promotes. It's the idea that the bible is the word of god, and god (via the bible) condemns homosexuality and says not to practice it. There is no message of hate or any hint of a suggestion that people be discriminated against however. Just as with anyone who won't get into paradise for whatever reason, they believe that is all up to god to handle (they are a hands-off religion).
Cofty and SImon i feel like you are playing along with the witness ignorance of the awful things they promote.
Far from it, I'm just not joining in calling something awful when it really isn't. Of all the bible beliefs and religious attitudes towards homosexuals, the WTS must rank along some of the very mildest. I think most of the comments about this video are based on what people would like for it to have contained to justify the inappropriate outrage when the reality is, it isn't as they portray it. I doubt many have even watched it.
For some, even that is clearly too much and the place to battle. Personally, I think it simply makes people look petty and foolish and too much outrage over too little tends to piss away goodwill that people have for any 'cause and the ones doing it look increasingly like whiners who just want to find fault in anything and everything.
can you imagine a witness saying "we don't shun people, we just don't let them on the plane, they have to leave the airport" whelp guess they don't practice barbaric shunning because they said it like that. lol come on now
If they said that then it would be right to challenge them on it and call it out. That is your problem - all the way through you add "IF" and insert your own convenient example of what would be hypocritical and / or discriminatory. But none of that means that they say the things you claim in the video.
So final chance - do you want to admit that they are not actually teaching discrimination in it?
Discrimination is a very real and insidious thing and I'd rather not see a real issue which is a real problem for people conflated with some imaginary "oh no, my feelings were hurt" first-world pretend problem.
If someone walks into a shop wearing a hijab and the owner refuses to serve them because of it, are they being discriminated against? It depends - if they have a sign saying no helmets, hoodies etc... then no. If they just don't like muslims then yes. No one should ever be told that they can't get what the next person in line is going to buy simply because they are gay, black, short, fat or anything else (except maybe a United supporter).
At some point things move beyond inconveniences of buying cakes and such and into the realm of impacting people's lives (issuing marriage licenses, not giving people jobs) and real life and death issues (can an EMS responder refuse to treat a gay man?).
Yes, REAL issues. Not "someone else is teaching their kid that their pretend god isn't going to invite me to their make -believe world".