The last part of the last days 1967

by Fadeaway1962 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Magnum

    nowwhat? - You can download the bound volume for that year here:

    Just type in the year you want in the "year" box. I just did it and found the April 1 Watchtower in the bound volume - just as shown in the OP.

  • JoenB75
    Funny the new testament writers claimed they lived in the last days. 😁
  • Mr.Finkelstein

    The WTS proliferated much of literature over the years based upon theological bullshit, hype and fear mongering, exploited by use of the basic belief in the bible .

    Bullshit sales if you got the right information.

  • truth_b_known

    I recently read a book that draws out that the writings of the Apostles John and Paul indicate they both believed Jesus would return BEFORE they died.

    What actually constitutes "last days"? If there is an end, wouldn't any day after the first constitute last days? Based on Paul and John's teachings, every day after the resurrection of Jesus has been part of the "last days".

  • Vanderhoven7

    Great find Fadeaway@

    Nowwhat .... just highlight both pic and text and hit the copy button on your phone or control-c on your computer and then paste the pic anywhere you want, on other sites or on a word processor document. Simultaneous Control-c for copy and Control-v for paste.

  • Vanderhoven7

    April 1, 1967 Watchtower page 197, par 6

    Lett just repeated from this watchtower.

  • Diogenesister

    Two thoughts come to mind

    1) As you look at the way “last days!” Is plastered over the page, in bold, over and again, it appears so obvious that it’s meant to catch the eye of the naive and credulous post war reader. I mean it really looks like a trashy piece of advertising, something that’s trying to sell a product....”NEW improved religion. FREE eternal life. HURRY! STOCKS WONT LAST....DAYS!!!!”

    People are too worldly wise to fall for that ish now.

    2) As an avid reader, I notice that even books by famous authors published by world renown publishing houses always, and I mean always, have a typo somewhere in the piece....I guess they have maybe one or two editors who go over it and naturally mistakes are missed.

    But watchtower? I don’t think I’ve ever spotted a typo or grammatical mistake in an Awake or Watchtower, and that’s saying something because I’ve read A LOT of them! They must have a veritable army of JW robots going over each article to ensure nothing is missed. Creepy, really.

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    Seems god's chosen organization has been involved in a lot of fear mongering bullshit toward literature commercialization .

    Do you think Jah was getting a cut of profits ? $$$

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    And we were the "April Fools".


  • JoenB75

    Truthbknown, last days of old covenant Israel. We have been in the new heavens and earth since, spiritually speaking 😁

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