Why are things wrong?

by Tim207 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tim207

    During our family worship tonight a thought popped into my head while watching this weeks video on demon influence. Why is does Jehovah not like certain things? Like why is homosexuality wrong? Why is even liking the idea of magic wrong? Why is talking about the abilities of demons wrong? Is this just part of Gods personality like how I hate cauliflower?

    I was thinking more towards the mosaic laws where we get direct laws instead of principles ie murder is bad. These laws are simple to understand. the reason killing is wrong is it affects them negatively whereas homosexuality like any relationship it at least aims to be beneficial to both people. If there isn’t any negative part why is it wrong if it is just different that what was designed?

    If I road around town on my lawn mower, John Deer wouldn’t come and destroy it just because I wasn’t using it as intended right?

    Have you seen the video of the professor listing her rules and it’s just her scream NO POMEGRANATES! Sorta similar when you think about it

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    Behavior control, information control, thought control, emotional control.

  • BluesBrother

    The first step ........asking "Why?"

    That's why the Borg don't allow it.

  • sir82

    I had a simpler question on this week's video:

    Why do all the JWs in the video take the "Bible student's" account of hearing voices at face value?

    They immediately assume that oh yes, it absolutely, definitely, for a certainty, was a bunch of demons.

    No one thinks that maybe, just maybe, the lady is mentally ill? Or hallucinating? Or having a bad reaction to medication?

  • truth_b_known

    The first question to ask is: "Who said Jehovah doesn't like <insert topic here>?"

    The second question to ask is: "How does the person/persons who said Jehovah doesn't like <insert topic here> come to that understanding?"

    One of the main problems within Christianity, especially since the Reformation Movement, has been the birth of "Bible Christians". These are people who say, "I can read the Bible and use my power of reasoning to figure things out." In turn, they create their own version of what is "truth". In short, this is the very definition of idolatry. In fact, one might say the worst for of idolatry for those who claim to be followers of Christ is making their own version of Him. One author called it "Jesus in a Box."

    Even the Apostles Paul and John suffered from this. Here Paul is writing a congregation and starts going off on how men shouldn't wear hats at spiritual gatherings and have short hair with women doing the opposite. Seriously?

    Read "What Did Jesus Really Say - How Christianity Went Astray" by Peter Cayce. It's a quick read (75 pages).

  • caves

    For me, growing up as a jw, just about everything was demonic. I lived in one of those over the top (even for jw standards) homes in regards that. Curtain moved with the wind, demons. Misplaced keys, demons. Horse got spooked, demons. Prank phone call, demons. ect....

    Talking about demonic abilities apparently gives the demons more power and abilities. Umm okay. Yet the magazines and publications have pictures in them portraying satan, beast, demons killings, global desolation, famine, ect.... That jws will spend time studying , looking at, and commenting on.

    We used to have semi trucks driving around that said ATDS trucking. I thought it said AIDS. Because I vocalized what I thought it said, the car was immediately pulled over and I got a butt busting on the side of the hyway. And long lecture about homosexuality.

    Using the word 'magic' in my household was just about viewed like using the word 'fuck'.

    To be a little balanced, not every jw home went overboard like mine did.

    Why are things wrong? Because the GB says so. Many other religions do the same thing, because their leaders say so.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Sin was invented by men in charge of the faith of others, invented to make them feel guilty or unworthy. Then the men would offer a way, usually involving something of value, to appease that guilt or make you feel worthy.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are following the Christian doctrines of the Bible and adding their own special spin to make members feel guilty or unworthy, just as others have done as long as organized religion exists.

  • Giordano

    Number one there are no demons other then those invented by religious elders and crazy people. There is no Satan............. the Hebrews never believed in Satan. Evil actions yes but no demons.

    In fact Jesus buddied up with the so called demon Satan......... for forty days and nights on their camping trip.....we know which one was on a trip. The J boy was offered all of the world's kingdoms. A great story but lacking in reality. As in every story in the bible old and new.

    It's all a nutty fantasy. Jehovah, Jesus. the Holy ghost, Satan. It's about as real as a Mark's brother's movie.

    Jehovah the all powerful loving god who couldn't even build a safe planet...totally passed up a paradise earth......... settled for a crappy Garden of Eden...... the hell with the rest of the world.

    If you want to believe in demons...... when I was five years old I knew some kind of bad ass demon was under my bed or in my closet.

    I never let my hand or foot lay beyond the bed.

    If you want to hold on to a child's belief do so.

    If your an adult it's kind of embarrassing.

  • smiddy3

    Even Jehovah had an amiable relationship with Satan because he could come and go as he pleased around Gods throne who would ask him what he`s been up to.? And satan would reply. Job.Ch.1

    And according to Jehovah`s Witnesses they continued such a relationship for thousands of years B4 he was cast out of heaven in 1914.

    Neither Jehovah or Jesus ever shunned Satan.

  • JWTom


    Great question, many years ago I started to say to PIMI people I am close to that as a JW every possibly human act is categorized as either the commission of a sin (you are doing something wrong by JW definition - so called Bible standards) or is a sin of omission (you should be doing something, but you are not - does not matter why).

    Commission Sins: Many of the things you mentioned and the list is really long. Basically anything JW thinks are wrong then you are committing a sin. If it is something good like talking a walk on a nice day and you do it often....then it is still a sin since "you should be more balanced and devote some of that time walking to doing spiritual things".

    Omission Sins: As a JW this is mainly things like - you should be doing more of the following: bible reading, field service, meetings, volunteering for extra work at KH/AH, you should be an MS/Elder, you should study more, be a Aux/RegPio, comment more at meetings and the list goes on and on into many personal things as well.

    My experience as a PIMI JW for many years is that the organizations goal is to constantly keep everyone in a state of uncertainty as to what is right, wrong or okay for one to do. There is not a course of action that will ever be the right course by JW standards. If you think you are following the right course at some point the JW org. will change the rules and you will be wrong again. Which is why I am now PIMO.

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