too avenge ..?

by zeb 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • zeb

    I read this recently in a stoics daily guide.

    "The best way to avenge yourself is not be like that." written by Marcus Aurelius.

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  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    ? Not to be vengeful?

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  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    It's not always easy, but moving on with your life silently screams at JW abusers, "You are a bitter victim who refuses to acknowledge that fact. I will never be the person the cult wants me to be!"

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  • stillin

    Right. Those who have "fallen away" are supposed to turn up with venereal disease, drunk or on drugs, single with children to raise, miserable and angry, possibly in prison, scarred and maimed from some violent altercation, befuzzled and bemuddled. Maybe in some weird cult, even.

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  • blondie

    I can think of too many active jws that turned up with VD, were active alcoholics or drug users (even drug sellers at the KH), single with children to raise, miserable and angry, in prison, scarred and maimed, embezzlers, child abusers, wife abusers, etc.

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  • smiddy3

    I can verify seven of those situations you have listed blondie and even one who became a S.D.A. from my 32 years in the religion.

    All active JW`s.

    One sister had been married 4 times .?

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  • millie210

    All the drug abusers, alcoholics, wife beaters and mate cheaters I know are active participating JWs.

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  • zeb


    lovely bunch eh? can I stand tall? At my most depressed and broke i was never any of these.

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  • LV101

    Guess the Lord came to save all the sinners, eh!! One time standing in back of hall a bethelite elder said there's not one person sitting in these rows that isn't a sinner and all are bad, etc., -- WOW! I couldn't believe what he'd said and responded, "really!" Child abusers, wife beaters, embezzlers, alcoholics, drug dealers - this list of negatives would be a great billboard to join your local JW kingdom hall. Scary bunch and the 'truth' must fail so many - sad. I know there are exceptions.

    zeb - I hear ya but it's sad that so many are -- I blame society and parental failures/problems to a large extent but there's probably valid reasons in the biology/chemistry.

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  • Simon

    I think what JWs hate the most is when people just leave ... and ignore them.

    Dedicating yourself to being an activist to battle them makes them important and gives them power over your life.

    No one likes being ignored, which is why moving on, living a happy life and forgetting about the JW world is the best revenge.

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