It gave the poor bastard who past away no respect, hardly mentioned anything about the deceased. Yet hijacked the event with cult propaganda.
One of the most defining thing that made me question JW church after 27 years was seeing the funeral discourse outline.
by Chook 19 Replies latest jw experiences
Good point. A JW cannot celebrate a birthday because "better is the day of ones death than birth", yet still at death the funeral outline says the person cannot be eulogized.
The outline is at
Oh, they're not dead, they're just going to sleep for a while, and the propaganda is a bedtime story to help them rest peacefully until they wake up, fresh and invigorated, in the new system.
The Jw rteligion has no soul or compassion for those who have slaved away for decades for the religionn.
Funerals are an excuse for promoting the religion for any non witness in attendance with the sole intent of converting some poor sucker.
They have no feeling for anyone who has slaved for this religion for many years and then passed away, they are expendable in their eyes,
Its another box that they tick Jehovah will sort it out .not our problem .
The outline in the link is a very old outline (from 1988). There were two more revisions after it. A third new funeral discourse outline was released on December 2016.
However, the wordings in the Note section are somewhat same, but without using the word "Eulogize":
"Adapt the material to match the circumstances of the deceased and needs of the grieving ones. While not overpraising the deceased, you may use events from his life throughout the talk to show how those in attendance can benefit from his example. You may choose to arrange a well-rehearsed interview with a brother in good standing who knew the deceased well.
I attended a jw funeral and the loud disrespectful yakity yak that was going on was disgusting it finally tapered off as the deceased was brought in.
The most awful funerals I've been to.
You actually sit there cringing for the poor non JW relatives.
JW services are an absolute abomination.
Gossiping, making plans for the weekend and discussing sports beforehand.
Shameless promotion of the JW faith via proof-texting during the actual talk
Jostling and laughing out loud on the way out.
My JW parents are elderly and I honestly don't know what I'm going to do...
Some of the more sensible elders take a more relaxed attitude towards the outline and and make it a bit more about the deceased , especially if they know there will be a lot of "worldly" relatives around. If it was 90% plus JWs then they would pretty much stick to the script - preaching to the converted etc.
There was a particularly painful funeral in our congregation a few years ago when a marginal JW ( who had been a bit of a rogue over the years and was a jerk whom everybody disliked ) died & the JW conducting the funeral stuck rigidly to the Society outline and kept on talking about how we should "copy his fine example" blah blah. I was an attendant at the back & could see how uncomfortable some of the relatives were getting - a couple of them rolled their eyes at each other.
If anyone can send me a link to the later outlines that would be great.