More Anti Tight Pants Content

by konceptual99 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • konceptual99

    Just skimming the latest study WT that has been posted and what did I see...?

    I wonder what the message is that they want the flock to take from this picture?

    There is also an article about training younger men to take over responsibilities. The last set of articles about this was not that long ago so perhaps they are still worried there are not enough young men to take over.

  • Chook

    If you look at Tony tight pants Morris bbq pics his son has tight pants , could you imagine these guys making the rules for new world order , I mean it would be hell on earth with the dress code and daily living rules . Tony will send angelic delivered scrolls from heaven on a weekly basis, non enforcement would be met with a divine flame thrower.

  • sir82

    This tight pants thing is really getting silly.

    Is it really that much of a thing?

    I can't imagine that it is an "issue" for more than a couple dozen JW guys who live in NY, Chicago, LA, etc.

    But we get Morris comments at the AGM a couple years ago, followed by now every-other-month photos in the WT.

    It's just so weird - the issue must affect like .00001% of JWs, yet they rant about it frequently for all 8 million + JWs.

    It's all so....unhinged.

  • StarTrekAngel

    If you internalize the idea that most of the unofficial rules on this cult are the result of the rants of 7 old farts, then it makes perfect sense. Think about your teenage years, if you had a grandfather who used to tell you that something was inappropriate just because that is the way he was raised, and had no other reason, then you would see what would happen if you put that same grandfather as the leader of an 8 million strong blind followers.

  • Chook

    Imagine if John the Baptist chose the dress code . He dressed in the same garb as my emoji cat weasel.

  • Tallon

    Pathetic and diabolical is what I say.

    Is AM3rd et al so fixated on 'tight pants' that they have a fetish?

  • sparky1

    "Metrosexuals will not inherit God's Kingdom..........................!

  • 2+2=5

    I can remember my Grandad raging and ranting about the lengthy shorts that were becoming popular in the early 90's. "Now, are they long shorts, or a pair of short longs!"

    A few years after that they started wearing shorts hanging half way down the backside. My old Grandad had a hard time adjusting to all the 'new light'.

  • redpilltwice

    I was the youngest of our boe and after months of reading jwfacts, ad1914 and jwsurvey I thought it was a good time to quit. I wish them good luck with their training and crusade against tight pants. They will need it!

  • ttdtt

    WOW those guys on the RIGHT look so Gay - it so strange - just looking at them makes me feel like Gays are just living a different lifestyle - hmm - making me feel its not so bad that maybe the bible is wrong - hmmmm wow I am feeling gay now too.

    Boy the borganization is right! Ban tight pants before we are all gay!

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