2/10/20 20 hindsight: the wt fiction fig tree

by waton 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • waton
    No its not scriptural/right. But they don't care about being wrong.

    AM, here at a.m. True. what I meat is :1914 actually really happened. Nothing that wt.Inc predicted did though.

    I compare that empty 1914 promise and their 1918 follow up " The world has ended, Millions now living will never Die"*** to the flimsy and now withered leafs of the wt Fig Tree, *

    **leafing to page 426 of their "---Proclaimers ---" book.

    The rest of the figurative fig tree prophecy has yet to be fulfilled. We will understand then.

    Doctrinally the emperor of the wt kingdom is naked. even if they have overlapping leafs now.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    When I was translating one of my video into Spanish I found out that the Return of Christ in Spanish can be translated as the Lap of Christ. Like he's a runner who completes his lap and returns.

    But they've got him running round the track endlessly. In their book he can invisibly return any number of times at any new date they pick.

  • waton
    translating one of my video into Spanish the Return of Christ in Spanish can be translated as the Lap of Christ. Like he's a runner who completes his lap and returns.

    AM. yeah, languages convey additional meanings. even in English it is 'Christ's re-turn'. In northern Europe though, you would think of a come back. so: he returns, he is present, he sits down 1) first wait, then 2) for judgement, stands up for his people. a busy person.

    In the parable of the fig tree,(here is an idea for a video), there are 3-4 stages. The leaf stage,*** of wasted parasitic activity, the inspection, no nutritional value produced, the withering of the leaves, and the death of the plant. the last part yet to come for wt inc.
    *** In nature leafs are very beneficial, producing Oxygen, taking in C0_2 storing Carbon. cooling by evaporation,

    things that can not be said for the olsdwt literature that they are desperate to get rid of.

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