The Sufficiency of Christ - Salvation

by JW Answers 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    TGND - I agree.

    It is often wrongly said on this forum that Jesus rejected the Law, or broke it at will, in the interests of a greater good. Nothing could be further from the facts. Jesus told his disciples to keep the Law — not ONLY the letter of the Law but also the spirit of the Law.

    Paul taught that humans were intrinsically evil and their only hope was forgiveness through faith in Jesus' sacrificial death. Calvin's 'TULIP' (to be more accurate Calvin's disciples' TULIP) is a fair summary of Paul's gospel. It is far from the teachings of the Jesus of the gospels.

  • Ex-JWs Brazil
    Ex-JWs Brazil

    It's very easy to notice that human nature has something broken. But not totally broken.

    Jesus will not torture anyone. Hell is closed from inside.

  • cofty
    Hell is closed from inside

    What sort of sophistry is this?

    Why do xtians talk in riddles and platitudes?

  • Vanderhoven7


    According to Paul, there is only one gospel for all of mankind...and that gospel is Christ's gospel.

    "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes —to the Jew first and also to the Greek." (Romans 1:16)

  • Ex-JWs Brazil
    Ex-JWs Brazil

    Means that some people will choose to not be in the presence of God. Then God will take his grace away from these people. They would be isolated from God by their own request. Hell is a place separated from God.

    Just like you hate to hear about God and would want to live in a place where nobody will talk about God. We call this place hell because we think humans were created to worship God. So a place without God is unnatural to human beings.

  • cofty
    According to Paul, there is only one gospel for all of mankind...and that gospel is Christ's gospel - Vander

    We can agree that Paul claimed to be preaching the same gospel as Jesus, but that doesn't make it so. Compare the words of Jesus with the letter to the Romans.

    Just like you hate to hear about God and would want to live in a place where nobody will talk about God - Brazil

    If I hate talking about god why am I talking about god? I enjoy talking about god and the reasons why people believe in him.

  • Ex-JWs Brazil
    Ex-JWs Brazil

    Then you can enter Heaven and see God directly. That's our ontological purpose. Being in the direct presence of the first cause, the infinite perfection.

  • Vanderhoven7


    Could you be more specific?

  • knowsnothing1

    The charge that Jesus expects you to keep the Law comes from Matthew 5:17-20.

    That's true up until Jesus' death. Once he fulfilled the Law, what was there to keep? No one could keep the Law perfectly, that's why he came.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Adam never sinned since he is just a character in an ancient myth that has received too much publicity. Therefore we are not born with sin and we do not need a saviour.

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