About 5 years ago when I was in, My son who at the time was 18 needed somewhere to sleep for a couple of nights due to work commitments ,in a city 2 hours from home. My "best man" who is an elder that lives in this city , was asked could my son stay a couple of nights . The response was he doesn't go to meetings anymore ,he can't stay here , I ask can he sleep on garage floor instead , still Can't stay . These people only help their own . Not in my wildest imagination could I see Christ turning away people in need.
JW hospitality
by Chook 16 Replies latest jw experiences
"You heard that it was said: 'You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you, so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens, since he makes his sun rise on both the wicked and the good and makes it rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous. For if you love those loving you, what reward do you have? Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing? And if you greet your brothers only, what extraordinary thing are you doing? Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing? You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Jesus Christ quoted from Matthew 5:43-48 NWT Revised
As you know, Jehovah's Witnesses do not practice the 'Love of the Christ', but are mired in legalistic, paternalist practices that were forced on Christians by the Apostle Paul and his myopic interpretation of Christian doctrine. It is a sad commentary on the human condition and religion in general, when a human being chooses by reason of his practicing a certain religious dogma, to treat another human being as less than human and of no intrinsic value. What your friend did is rude, disrespectful and lacks common decency.
So true, but check this out...anyone remember a WT (study), where a pioneer sister was in another country, she was at the airport but her plane was cancelled until the next day, she had no money to stay at a hotel. Well don't you know a school mate saw her & asked why she was at the airport. She explained her story. The school mate was a male & his family was with him...anyway, the family (non-witness) offered to put her up for the night..Also, the schoolmate wasn't a witness either....So, what am I saying....first of all, schoolmate, how well did she know him, or his family, they could have been criminals, who knows...but she stepped out on faith...& it worked out...well according to JW land, where most stories have a happy ending.
I wonder if any one in the audience noticed, she stayed with an unbelieving family...No she wasn't inactive, but a so called worldly family took her in, so what's the moral...no such thing as JW hospitality...I'm one...anything that has to do with LOVE...it just ain't in them...they only do things that can be seen & if they get patted on the back for it...
Someone on the site mentioned...No Natural affection...well, who do we know that imitate that...
These people only help their own . Not in my wildest imagination could I see Christ turning away people in need.
And on top of that they claim that they don't discriminate. Go figure.
BUT, haven't you watched one of the latest music clips on the broadcasting website??
It is all about showing hospitality!!
If anyone is in any doubt about head offices stance on hospitality. I challenge anyone to approach a bethel after hours tell them you are an inactive JW who is stranded and could you please provide shelter for the night.
I challenge anyone to approach a bethel after hours tell them you are an inactive JW who is stranded and could you please provide shelter for the night.
I was a pioneer - stopped in Ontario Bethel to see old friend. Friend asked Ken Little if I could have a room for the night. Little: "What are we running? A hotel?"
Iown Mylife
I was told that I was crazy for thinking that what i heard in the kh was really supposed to be followed and observed outside the kh.
The jw expect the members to work their asses off and give endlessly without a second thought - but NEVER to ASK for any help in RETURN.
If you need help you're despised, hated, avoided and an object of derision, for getting into a situation where you need help. Unless you wield power and influence from the upper echelons. THEN you can't get RID of all the help.
They are just mimicking Jesus.
John 5:29, 38, 42
Matthew 12:30
Luke 12:47-48
John 3:36
Pete Zahut
I remember back in the day we used to go from door to door just before assembly time asking householders if they had a room to spare for out of town JW's needing a place to stay for the convention.
I was always impressed at how many people volunteered to open their homes to perfect strangers.
JW's were willing to stay in the homes of non JW's who were complete strangers but ironically in your case, this JW wouldn't extend this kind of hospitality to the son of someone he knew well, simply because he wasn't attending meetings.
"They have a form of godly devotion but are proving false to it's power"