Ravyn -
As soon as I figure out which of the gods are in charge of moving, I'll let you know. Obviously, my offerings were up to par.
by arrowstar 27 Replies latest jw experiences
Ravyn -
As soon as I figure out which of the gods are in charge of moving, I'll let you know. Obviously, my offerings were up to par.
This reminded me of my move up here to Oregon from Cali. I packed in three weeks after work on weekends and in between yacking endlessly to onacruse on the phone and computerahhhhh my sweetie was a constant reminder of what all the hard work was for! It was my fourth move in less than three years but the biggest one for me due to the fact that I had by this time an apartment full of furniture. I remember all to well how tired I was! And the stress and the things that went wrong at the last minute, sheese!
It took me twice as long to unpack once I got here and I'm still months later reorganizing things! LOL
I can only suggest you take your time and try not to stress too much with the unpacking. Enjoy your new start and new surroundings. I wish the best for you!
You're such a sweetie. I am going to take my time getting unpacked. There are just the essentials to take care of and the rest will come in due time. I'm excited about the new place. I see such potential there. I think the old place was just a holding pattern, if you will. I never really unpacked or decorated or really cared. But this place...well, I just think it's going to be beautiful. A real home. I'm already feeling a sense of peace when I'm there.
And this weekend...Friday night is an engagement party...Saturday is COMF's gig...Sunday..well that's more relaxing.
Life is good...and good people like y'all make it all that much sweeter.
love ya
Ahhhh so good to hear! You've made my day, now go have a good one!
Hope you settling in and getting comfy in your new place. Now that you are closer, we will have to get together some time.
Moving is a gut wrenching experience, it always gets me into a crying jag. Sounds like you are exhausted. But once you get into your new place you'll feel better.
Things are starting to come together in the new place. Hey!! I found a curling iron this morning. Life is good.
You're right. We need to get together soon and have a good visit. I would like that very much.
I am exhausted to be sure. I'm just glad that I'm too the unpacking stage now. Trust me, it's going to take some time. But I'm there and I'm really liking the new place.
Thank you for your kind words