Page 7 replies:
berrygerry, thanks for reminding us how insignificant JW's are in the world scene. It feeds their egos and their persecution complex (the devil is after us) to over-state their significance.
NewYork44M, yup. I am sure that is one game plan they continue to consider. I am proposing the possibility that finances don't even allow them to wait that long. Heck, some of the current GB will be around for 25+ years, maybe much longer. They just keep getting younger and younger ones to join. Great thoughts.
Finkelstein, there have been tons of people preaching the end of the world. Take a look at this book when you get a chance, awesome book:

Data-Dog, they play on past "the last card." They open a new deck and re-shuffle the old cards into it. They recycle ideas and cancel major pronouncements of theirs. I agree that as long as they "can scare the sheeple into believing anything they say, they won't need the GT, only the ever-present "SOON!!" " So if the money situation is sound, this speculation was just a fun exercise. But we shall see. It might just be more than that.
Lieu, I fully understand. I have said that this would be an announcement we dread in many ways. Certainly, the toll on our older, long-term JW's can be terrible and it could last the rest of their lives. I am with you. I would rather they get older saying "So exactly when is this 'right-around-the-corner' stuff?"
Doubfully Yours, thanks for your thoughts. I wonder in this thread that if the latest scare tactics don't work, what will they do?
BlackSwan of Memphis, I feel that as time goes on, they will at the very least, continue closer and closer to being a creepy Jonestown or Branch Davidian type of cult.
Londo111, I was with you partway. They could declare that PRE-Tribulation is upon us and make up any goofy thing that the cry of peace and security has taken place. But they ain't going back to private homes, their lawyers have steered them away from that. Maybe the internet and no Kingdom Halls. It's a radical change that we really can't imagine happening yet.
DJS, thanks for the excellent thoughts on confirmation bias and whatever else they want to call it. And thanks for the closing remark there: "No one really gives a f**k about the dubs other than the dubs."
BlackSwan of Memphis, it's that absolute total compliance thing I am trying to comment and speculate on as I drive the thread. Can they get enough money out of enough faithful members if they don't "amp it up" ? I think not. Others are not so sure. I don't have the answer, but it's great that we can speculate.