Trump/Biden Debate

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I liked the format and I think Donald Trump destroyed Joe Biden.

    Your opinion??

  • littlerockguy

    I think Trump did well and Biden was his old crusty self. I think the moderator was much better this time. I was shocked.

  • redvip2000

    Moderator was more impartial that the others. Trump had a good night. He pressed the corruption theme and Biden was on the defense most of the night.

    BTW, this whole Biden scheme to sell influence cannot go away. This needs to be pressed on full steam. It's just amazing that the main stream media is self censoring and trying to discredit it.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I think I am weary of watching two septugenarians, one a multi-bankrupt businessman, the other in government far too long. I am voting third party, not that it matters where I live. Red county, blue state.

    No good choices in any recent election. Just my opinion.


  • SnakesInTheTower

    And yep, the moderator did great for about the first hour and 15 minutes. Then it started to get away from her.


  • smiddy3

    As an Aussie watching this debate ,I didn`t think much of it at all. I was expecting each candidate would have time to speak about what policy`s they were going to implement for the next 4 years if elected ,but there was none of that .The moderator had a set of questions for them to answer on a few issues.

    Then it was a case of I did this you did that from both sides ,a tit for tat conversation ,each one`s word against the other.

    I do think the moderator did a good job in controlling the debate but as an outsider ,I wasn`t impressed, neither came out a winner in my opinion .

  • Hotpepper

    Trump going to way away easy on election day. Biden is a Dope

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    smiddy32 hours ago

    As an Aussie watching this debate

    ------seriously ?

  • smiddy3

    That`s just my opinion stan your welcome to your opinion, mate .

    And, if I might add if these two are the best candidates America can produce to run ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY`S in the world ,then all I can say is this space ?

  • Simon

    The moderator was better than the others but still jumped in to save Biden on a few occasions, one just when Trump landed a huge blow on Biden and he was clearly struggling and she directed it back to the question for Trump and then moved on so Biden never had to answer at all.

    As it was, Trump still won. Biden looked weak and resorted to his scripted replies to camera and blatant outright lies. Politicians like him have no shame. Normal people could lie like that, knowing that everyone really knows they are lying, and pretend that they are not. Maybe he believes things himself at this point, who knows what's going o in that rotting brain.

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