Over the past few decades I've met many individual JWs, but I've always been curious about the GB members themselves and about service at Bethel. First, do GB members fraternize with regular rank and file members or do they only sell out each other? When I was a Methodist, it didn't take me long to figure out that our minister and his wife were frequently invited to dinner, but I never heard of him actually inviting members to his house for dinner. Then I noticed the same thing at my wife's church. Her priest and his wife never paid for a meal when going to a church dinner or lunch at local restaurants. So what of the VIPs in the society? When they visit, do people generally invite them for meals?
Also, do they tend to be generally humble or do they come across as intimidating? Are some especially beloved or respected? Are any despised? And at Bethel, do they interact well with the staff or are they not to be bothered?
I'm just curious because the only thing I hear about them is as a body. If I were a member who has had several interactions with a GB member, would I be out of line calling him and asking him to lunch? Are there any boundaries or are they just regular guys? (I can understand if you're an employee at Bethel that this might not be inappropriate, but if you're not, I wouldn't see any impropriety.)