The JW Org Cult is full of Mediaeval superstitious nonsense.
Satan is used as a tool to instill fear, i.e "Stay away from anything demonic, or you will stop serving Jehovah".
It's totally messed up my mom's life.
She bought a house about 17 years back and intended to live in it for the rest of her life. For years everything was cool until she started hearing things. She thought it was demons, but it sounded to me like rats were living in the walls and perhaps some raccoons were squatting in the basement. Then there were some electrical problems, which she blamed on demons, though I convinced her to get an electrician over there (he fixed it).
But things just got worse from there. She says the demons would not only make noises, but pull the covers off her at night. Then they possessed a bed in another room and caused it to jump up and down. She eventually put the house up for sale and moved into an apartment. Since she had already gotten a reverse mortgage on the place and wasn't living there anymore, the bank only gave her a limited amount of time to sell it. When it didn't sell within their time frame, it went into foreclosure and my mom lost everything!
My mom still lives in her apartment and guess what? The demons have followed her. They tried to kill her recently by causing a light fixture to fall and nearly miss her head. One also tried to possess her by entering her mouth when she yawned, but she coughed the demon out (no kidding!).
I don't know what to believe. Maybe she's just nuts or maybe there really is something going on; probably a little bit of both. What I do know is that none of this would have happened if the Watchtower hadn't fostered fear of demons in someone as gullible and emotionally vulnerable as my mom. It's criminal! It's like telling a child who trusts you 100% that if she doesn't do as she's told, the boogie man will eat her!
My mom had it good! She was retired, paying no mortgage, and actually getting paid by the bank just to live in that house. Now all she has is social security and a $500 a month rent that she will have to pay until she dies.
Thanks a lot Watchtower.