For those who think the organization is going more mainstream think again. So eating a leftover birthday cupcake is as bad a sin as Peter betraying Jesus! (See lloyd evans video)
Omg! The latest Caleb and Sophie video!
by nowwhat? 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
And yet joining the UN so you can get a library card is ok , riding the wild beast of revelation is not as bad as a wanting to eat a left over birthday cupcake.
Didn't they used to say eating leftovers was similar to eating "food sacrificed to idols?
What happened to precipitate them jerking on the leash? Perhaps too many people letting the lines "soften" has created a necessity to bunch the sheep tighter?
I don't get it?
What kind of people would believe that eating a cupcake will cause the ALMIGHTY GOD TO BLOW A FUSE and destroy everyone that took a bite?
This seems like another one of those stories where a woman ate a piece of produce and the Almighty God condemned the entire human species to a life of unimaginable pain and suffering for thousands of years!
REALLY--The same God who created exploding stars, nuclear energy, radiation, gets ticked off because a little kid ate a piece of leftover cupcake.
But Caleb's father assured him if he prayed to Jehovah and begged for forgiveness for his brazen sinful act. Jehovah would forgive him! Now when it comes to studying with interested ones, who in their right mind wouldn't run like hell after seeing this!
I find it interesting that the the whole video does not explain WHY they don't celebrate birthdays in the first place. Simply that the bible says so and that the dad will help the son explain it. But where and what reasoning is applied? nothing.
Imposing guilt onto people is a psychological controlling mechanism which can be good sometimes to correct certain behavior but as it can be seen in religious organizations it can be silly and impractical.
The kid did not even eat the cup cake. lol What a bunch of douche nozzles.
I didn't see the video but have been aware that they were not supposed to eat holiday treats and such. Never stopped my jw from stealing the kids Halloween, Easter and Christmas candy. Some years I would have to make double favorite Christmas cookies because he would eat the first batch! guess he didn't get the memo.