I have known many elders who were much more into the idea of being an elder and getting all the old ladies to tell them what wonderful talks they give and the power then really being a believer. I had one elder tell me that when he became an elder he was on top dog on top of the heap. I knew some who were really all about the religion and following the cult. But many were into the small bit of power over a congregation and loved it. I used to tell an elder I grew up with, being an elder is like being the president of your local book club of 20 people. Its not really a big deal.
Have you ever known elders who were more into being and elder than really being a believer?
by phoenixrising 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
From my observations it is decidedly a power trip for most. They get prominence of a sort, an audience and an ego trip....something that eludes them in any other scenario.
That pretty much describes most elders. Most have less that a high school education but they get to be a 'top dog' in the borg! It's all fun and games until they realize all the fu*cking time and work it involves. Didn't get to see too much of my first 2 kids growing up cause I was an 'elder'.
just saying!
My brother-in-law was the least spiritual person I knew and openly "campaigned" to become an elder. He was completely unsuitable and was just after a position of power and respect, nothing todo with any desire to help people or serve which is the notional qualification.
Not my first rodeo, but I would put elders into four categories:
On average,
1) - 20% are, as mentioned, in it for the glory. They love to have people look up to them (especially older sisters). If they were in a different religion, they would be in similar positions regardless of what the teachings were.
2) - 20% are there because the have put in the time, really don't care, but the CO has asked the elders enough times why brother Slow does not qualify since he has put in 10 hours a month in field service for the past 10 years and is a nice brother.
3) - 30% are nice, loving, caring, but really don't have the skills to be in leadership positions. They do as they are told, follow the rules, etc. Typically, they have other family members who are elders and they get the position by attrition.
4) - 30% really care. The title is not the important thing. They like the attention but that is not the driving factor. They just use it to do what they feel is best. They are sincere.
Having had both a grandfather and father as "servants" or later elders, I can't tell you how many nights I would overhear my father talking to some other elders locally or in near-by congregations late into the night when there was some problem or issue. I must admit, he was very intelligent but never played that card to intimidate others. I would put him into the category 4 above.
As least this was the way it was over the years. It seemed like every nearby congregations had a similar cast of characters. Just the names were changed.
Rub a Dub
I used to laugh when an elder I grew up with would say that god chooses the elders. This is such a load of BS.
A gong I was in the po ,his son and son in laws and there pals were elders so some of it is a social thing and to be included in that circle .
And some wife's pushed there husband to be elders to be included in the social circle too.
(And to find out all the gossip)
In the congregation I was raised in, it was the same elders for a good 20 years. They were either related - father, son or brother, brother or long time serving men. You didnt have a chance in hell of being appointed. They liked to keep it in the family. We had the same min servants for like 20 years.
Eventually, some of those elders died and one ran off with his secretary and was DFd. Then, lo and behold, within a year they appointed a load of min servants to elders. This was taken as wonderful guidance from Jehovah. The min servants were replaced by appointing brothers who were absolutely unsuitable. My brother in law being one. He was on the fence about the religion at the time he was made a servant, then suddenly the religion was the best thing in the world.
In my last congregation it was all about power. They only appointed their friends. It was an open joke in the congregation that in order to be an elder you had to live on "__________ Street". The street where all of the elders just so happened to live.
Some congregations, it seemed like you just collected so many tokens on cereal boxes and mailed them off and became an elder. Zero bible knowledge.
None of them were in it to serve others and provide encouragement. In fact, of all the elders I've known I can think of only one from when I was a kid who seemed to genuinely love the brothers and sisters and was very kind.
One brother, a WWII veteran, turned down being an elder 4 times. And ironically he was absolutely the kind of person I respected and thought should have been one.
The desire to be an elder should disqualify for life anyone ever being one.
Oh to bask in the power of the almighty creator, oh the glory, the prestige, the power.
One day I might be chosen to be an anointed GB member of his earthly organization and really feel the spirit force of the almighty god Jehovah. !
Rub a dub's elder categories are spot-on, though I would probably adjust the percentages.
This is one of those things that should probably, by now, no longer shock me, but still does:
A very large proportion of elders have virtually their entire identity wrapped up in being "an elder". It is Who They Are, period, full stop. Literally their whole life revolves around "elder stuff".
That's why it is so devastating if they are ever "removed" as an elder. Suddenly, their identity is torn away. Who are they? They've devoted virtually their entire existence to being An Elder, and now they aren't. They have no interests, no passions, no hobbies, no nothing. They're just a shell. It would be sad if it weren't entirely of their own (stupid) making.