The idea is a bit broad. I mean, we would have to know if the entire G.B. was ready to admit it's all crap, and how far they go in this realization- just the cult itself, or maybe they realize that the Bible and Christianity are crap, or that Flying Spaghetti Monster is just as real as the God of men's creation.
But anyway, assuming there wouldn't be a coup (and there would be), I would say that the G.B. would have to lighten up on things quickly. Get that majority vote to stop shunning- have articles about no longer shunning. Immediately lift the blood ban and encourage closeness with non-JW family. Tell members that birthdays are okay, college is good. They could say that Watchtower is no longer going to insist on blind obedience to standards, but that every "Christian" must decide for themselves whether they will celebrate holidays, vote, get a tattoo, join the military, carry a gun, YADDA YADDA YADDA.
If they are sincere and trying to dismantle things but avoid humongous lawsuits, they can say how there is already enough money at HQ and because of the economy, will ask that no more funds be sent to the Worldwide fund. They can say they are going to have one more round of conventions this summer to announce major discoveries and simply tell people on the first day, "GO OUTSIDE, ENJOY THE DAY, STOP BOTHERING PEOPLE WITH WATCHTOWERS, GET OUTTA HERE."
The coups will be big. Maybe they can address that.