Thank you everyone for replying. Im on jw facts reading about 1914. LisaRose I would love to hear your story if you could message me I would really appreciate it to further discuss my story as well.
Finding out that jws are not what they make out to be
by nomorepain13 26 Replies latest jw experiences
If it saddens you what is taught can it really be teachings from god .Gods teachings should only bring joy. As Lisa is Rose said trust your instincts, its this invisible intuition that has saved many humans their lives in emergency situations, trust it. Also remember there is a large possibility that if God really cares about his people ,then this group is not his people.
Thank you everyone for replying. Im on jw facts reading about 1914.
Fantastic! The funny thing is that JW's would call this an apostate website, when in reality the information there is based on their OWN publications. So when they say jwfacts and other similar sites are apostate, they are in fact unknowingly saying that they are apostates themselves!
Welcome to the forum.
I still believe in jehovah
Give it some time, you have only just noticed the man behind the curtain. I'm sure the lack of evidence for this Bronze Age myth will have you changing your mind.
You may even become a believer in paragraphs. All the best.
I still believe in jehovah
If you believe in god and you believe that god is love, then you would NOT want to be a JW because they are the OPPOSITE of love. JW's claim to believe that god is love, YET at the same time show callous lack of love when it comes to issues such as child abuse, blood transfusions, and judging others. They impose countless man-made rules in contrary to 1 Corinthians 4:6 which clearly says that true Christians should NOT "go beyond the things that are written". As a self-centered cult, they are sorely lacking in charitable works. They practise shunning and break up countless families as a result. Any "love" displayed is superfical and shallow as they would shun you in an instant should you not agree with any of their teachings. To make things worse, they believe that their "loving" god will destroy almost 8 BILLION non-JW's at Armageddon, just because these ones are NOT CONVINCED that JW's have "the truth". Think about it — that is NOT love at all!
When I was an active JW, I had the unhealthy fear that I would be destroyed at Armageddon. Yes, JW's believe that their so-called "loving" god would rather destroy you even if you are a good person simply because you are not doing enough in "the truth"! So while JW's teach that God is love, their actions and beliefs speak otherwise!
I don't belong to any religion now and I DON'T fear the future. If god is LOVE, then I'm sure that he will look upon me with favor because I live a life based on true love. A loving god would find a reason to save me, NOT to destroy me!
Welcome to the forum nomorepain13, I hope you'll feel comfortable here. Sorry to read of the judgementalism and pain you and your boyfriend have been through.
Why not simply put your love and happiness as a couple first for a while? Make time for each other and do things that make you laugh?
If your faith remains important to you you can always explore it later from a position of security, not worry.
Good luck.
If you stick around long enough, you will see many more examples of unloving jws. I'm glad you saw it for what it was and didnt make excuses for their unloving behavior. We are here to help and there are also many threads on this forum that could help you.
My Name is of No Consequence
Your fiancé was treated like garbage, not once, but many times at that convention. What more about the witnesses do you need to find out? Just try to live your life the best way you and your fiancé can. It helps that you were never baptized.
It seems like you are not as fully in as many were at your age. Now is the time to ease out of it gracefully and your weekend at the convention seems a good enough reason to pull back.
I don't know how your parents (mom and stepdad) are treating your fiance or how they feel about your relationship or what kind of people they are, but please be careful of assuming the worst about your stepdad. Not all JWs are monsters or pedophiles. . . otoh, that your mind went there immediately after learning about the ARC and JW actions in that area does concern me, so please examine yourself to see if it was a knee jerk reflexive response to all the new info about pervy JWs or if there might be something more to it.
Don't let anyone here sour you on your belief generally. We are all kind of cynical on the subject, even when we are believers. You will come to your own conclusions but right now, the organization is the issue.and there is no harm in removing your belief in God from your belief in the org. Fully separating yourself from WT indoctrination will allow you to examine and explore what you truly DO believe, but don't let any of us put you down for it, whatever that might be, whether they are laughing at you for believing at all or if they are trying to get you into their new faith.
Most here are motivated to help. You saw through the org, so now is the time to start trusting yourself generally to evaluate the information you are given and its veracity.
Good luck!!!
William Penwell
When I was an active JW, I had the unhealthy fear that I would be destroyed at Armageddon. Yes, JW's believe that their so-called "loving" god would rather destroy you even if you are a good person simply because you are not doing enough in "the truth"! So while JW's teach that God is love, their actions and beliefs speak otherwise!
I am going through this right now with my family. I am at a cross roads but I know which way to go. Even my own immediate family are starting to put pressure on me because they feel I am not living the right life even though I have had much to do with the cult for the last 30 years and haven't attended a meeting for the last 15 years. The only reason why this has not come to a head is while my parents were still alive. Now they are both gone I really don't care. If they decide they do not want to talk to me any more that is their issue not mine. I find they all don't know what unconditional love is but are passive aggressive, emotional blackmailers. I am just ready to send my family member a response to her email and I am afraid will not be holding back anything. Even my GF thinks it is crazy and I warned her, this is why you don't get involved with them as once your in you can't leave and if you try they keep trying to pull you back in.