POMO... the
9 days and another one gone...
Congratulations with your freedom!
by Jrjw 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
POMO... the
9 days and another one gone...
Congratulations with your freedom!
Short, to the point, and mainly very clear on how little you care about their shunning, guilt tripping and hounding.
Brief disassociation letter is the way to go. I understand the motives of the faders, but I admire the ones with the guts to give the middle finger to the Watchtower and walk out proud, strong and renewed.
Just remember that the elders are instructed to contact you about your letter to make sure it wasn't a rash decision. Be not surprised if one doesn't try to track you down for confirmation. I was one of those trackers not so long ago.
I'll write p.s I do not want to be contacted In any form
P.p.s - if Anyone turns up at my door or phones or tries to contact me in any way then the police will be called and my solicitor will be contacted for a restraining order for harassment
You can keep it very simple and just say "I quit"
Rub a Dub
My letter just says to BOE I No longer wish to be known as one of Jehovah's witnesses. ( Signed Jrjw)
@PPPS: "In the event of my death, I do not wish to be remembered as having been one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Was going to add that you do not wish for your children to be proselytized to, but then I remembered you share a child with your ex who is a JW. Did I get that right?
Congrats, Jrjw! I did the same and my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner!
It always irritates me when I see people post about writing their DA letter and then others discourage them from doing so, claiming you're playing by their rules. I lived under that premise for many years before I finally wrote mine and sent it in.
I did so for two reasons: 1) I primary wrote the letter for me, and not them. It was very cathartic putting in into words. 2) Yes, I did play into their "rules". Under their rules, I was still a JW, but just an inactive, lost sheep that needed saving again. And this delusional thinking of theirs was impacting my life ... a lot. So, my letter made sure everybody involved was on the same page, regardless of whatever rule book they were going by.