I've been thinking: what with all the bunker videos at the RC, instilling fear and paranoia and excitement among the masses, what could the GB do as a follow-up? How do they feed the flame?
How about identifying the "King of the North"?
Based on their teachings, it is essential that there be a "King of the North" prior to the outbreak of the Great Tribulation. But since the collapse of the USSR 25 years ago, they haven't identified who the replacement KOTN is.
Why not state, maybe at the AGM in October, that they've identified it?
Why not Russia? Putin enjoys rattling his sabre, they've still got their nuclear arsenal, they've annexed Crimea, they've oppressed "God's people" by banning their literature and liquidating their real estate, it used to be the principal part of the USSR...it's got a lot going for it.
Imagine the way they could spin it...."Now there is no prophecy left unfulfilled....the outbreak of the GT is imminent....it could literally happen tomorrow or next week or next month....yadda yadda yadda".
JWs, already freaked out by the RC's video portrayal of jackbooted stormtroopers beating in the door of their bunker, would gobble it up like fresh ribs at the Golden Corral.
For the GB, it is low-risk/high reward: No one outside of JWs gives a flying fig what they proclaim. There is no "expiration date" on it, like 1975 or even a "generation". But the rank & file JWs will love it and respond with frenzied enthusiasm.
So that is my baseless speculation: At the October AGM, they'll identify Russia as the new/old "King of the North".
If I'm right, y'all have to buy me a beer.