Christmas star of Bethlehem to appear for 1st. Time in 800 years

by nowwhat? 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • nowwhat?

    As Spock would say " fascinating".

    With 2020 being such a terrible year. Are people of the Christian faith going to look at this as a sign of god, To give them hope and renew their faith? Coincidence? Hmmm.

    On side note watchtower says it was Satan that provided the star so herod would find the baby Jesus. So They are saying Satan is powerful enough to move planets? Another hmmm. For the sake of discussion assume the bible isn't. All fiction

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  • WTWizard

    The whole thing is about finding the sun. Yup, the sun. The three wise men represent the three stars comprising the Belt of Orion. They line up with Sirius, which is this star of bethlehem. Nothing more than Sirius. Follow Sirius this night, and you will find where the sun will come up on Christmas Day.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    WT is right in some of their arguments. Dec 25 is wrong date, wise men were 3 years late, and the 3 gifts make it tradition that there were 3 wise men. The other side is that the WT chooses to do anything that can cause controversy.

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  • Funky

    By "Christmas star" do you mean the Jupiter & Saturn thing?

    On December 21 they will align, from the POV of earth observers, to the extent that they will basically appear like one big shiny thing instead of 2 big shiny things.

    They align somewhat like that once every twenty years, but align-close-enough-to;look-like-one-thing only occurs once every few centuries.

    Did that happen around "Year 0"? I didn't see any research indicating that is the case, but I didn't spend much time on it so maybe I missed it.

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  • waton

    To be guided on a long trip by a "star" you have to have accurate clocks, astronomical tables, unless you are a migrating bird or have a flat / fixed earth view point.

    That tale aligns closely with the close name's sake of Jesus, Joshuah, who had the sun stand still, which of course is just another star.

    forget about it, for heaven's sake. Have a glass of sake.

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  • Bobcat
    On side note watchtower says it was Satan that provided the star so herod would find the baby Jesus. So They are saying Satan is powerful enough to move planets?

    I have a thread (here, off site) with extensive (Biblical) research into this account. The WT's take/explanation of the account starts with a false assumption (that the star leads the Magi to Jerusalem). The link goes into the details.

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  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    There have been some really beautiful conjunctions during 2020, mainly consisting of the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter and lately, Mars, which is the bright orange object almost directly overhead in the early evening right now.

    As an avid stargazer for most of my life, I am really looking forward to this event but, as an avid stargazer, I predict it will be a cloudy night where I live on the 21st December 2020.

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  • waton

    The 2 planets are in the night sky right now, You can get the perspective, an idea of the depth of space, with Saturn ~ twice as far away as Jupiter, and 1/4 dimmer, despite the shiny , icy rings. ---look west, then 30 degrees south and 20 degrees up.

    Outstanding guiding "stars" ??, only in bible stories.

    CS to you all, ( clear skies) as the astro phils wii greet you)

    P.S. Christmas here seems to be kind of a cargo cult, hoping that Rudolph will home in on the chimney with the gaudiest light display.

  • smiddy3

    watchtower says it was Satan that provided the star so herod would find the baby Jesus. So They are saying Satan is powerful enough to move planets?

    Sorry nowwhat planets are not stars ,stars are suns. And they are light years in distance away from us here on earth.

    It`s absurd to say that a star could move over the sky that would pinpoint a geographical location on earth.

    If an apparent light moved some distance above a dwelling to pinpoint it`s location then it certainly isn`t / wasn`t a star .

    Another Bible gaff ?

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    Did that happen around "Year 0"?

    Year -6 and 14

      |DEC 05,   -6 | 02:46 PM | 000 | 15PI34  | 15PI34 |
    |DEC 26,   14 | 08:20 PM | 000 | 04SA53  | 04SA53


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