Privacy commissioner orders North Okanagan Jehovah's Witnesses to hand over private records

by yalbmert99 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yalbmert99
  • smiddy3

    I for one will be interested to see what comes of this. Some good I hope.

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  • TonusOH
    "(Jehovah’s Witness) elders share a deeply-held religious conviction that disclosing the records would violate their religious conscience and hinder their ability to spiritually shepherd congregants," the decision reads.

    Well... if they did their jobs the way they claim they do, they would have no reason to fear having the records handed over. One can only imagine what the notes would reveal.

    I'm betting that the WTS will tell them to resist the orders, no matter what. They will probably work the legal system in any way they can, and if they lose they will simply refuse to turn over the records. The real question is, what can the Privacy Commissioner do to them to force compliance? Fine them? Anything else?

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  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Yep. A committee of 3 meets, and no other elders see t h e notes. Want to buy a bridge?

    I question why it is worth the effort to get the notes. We know the personalities of local elders so can guess with 99% accuracy what was said

  • hoser

    I was involved in a jc a number of years ago that was “confidential”. A few months later the district overseer gave a talk on the circuit assembly that gave a word by word play of the jc. Confidential my ass.

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  • hoser

    I can hear the “persecution” rhetoric already. That’s why the jcs need to be more transparent.

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  • Incognito

    Currently, the link fails to open.

    If there was no files collected and retained for each congregant, there would be nothing for the Privacy Commissioner to demand from Elders or WT.

    Do other religions retain files detailing the past behaviour history of each of their congregants?

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  • hoser
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Persecution rhetoric starts every time some mandate is legislated which challenges the Borg legally.

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  • wannaexit
    Far from being confidential, private information is shared among the whole body of elders, especially the COBE. Then it makes its way to all the wives too.
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