It is not isolated cases either that bros. & sisters on welfare and disability payments , provided by the Governments , spend their time pioneering for Jehovah and not volunteering in any community aid program .
I have personally known of some such cases, the reason I posted the previous time.
The thing that J.W.`s can never get their head around if they even ever think of it ,.... is.
They are brainwashed that this system of things is under the control of Satan the Devil ,and everything to do with Govt.& Religion. We will concentrate with Govt. for this exercise.
Jesus was shown in a vision that Satan had all the Kingdoms of the world in his power and he could give them to Jesus if he did an act of worship to him . Jesus never denied that claim of Satan.
"The whole world is lying in power of the wicked one" , " The God of this system of things has blinded .etc......"
Now consider this :
Rom .13 :1-7 , Christians are told to be obedient to the Superior Authorities of this world , Governments of this world , because they are placed in their relative positions by Jehovah , and to defy them is to oppose the arrangement of GOD , bringing GOD`s wrath upon you.
So if you support the world , the superior authorities , the Governments , you play into Satan`s hands, and are supporting his interests .
So If you don`t support the world , the superior authorities , you risk the wrath of Jehovah , because it exists by the arrangement of GOD , and you find yourself in opposition to Jehovah God.