I was one who openly questioned stuff from the time I was about 20, always having had questions from when I was about 10 or 11.
I joined a Congregation when I got married that had one guy in it of similar mind to me, and we became friends, gradually our influence rubbed off on others, and our Congregation became known as a " Rebel" congregation, even the guy sent in there to sort it out, by the C.O of the day, we in short time converted to our ways ! He was appointed Congregation Servant, as it was then, over and above the guys already there.
His main achievement was to get us to wear ties on the platform, not our custom before ! Eventually we got the reputation that we were " difficult" and one C.O said to me that the previous C.O was afraid to visit us, because we did not simply accept " direction" but wanted Chapter and verse from the Bible to back it up !
I fitted in to this motley crew very well. Eventually it was watered down by other Elders moving in from more Conservative places, but it was gradual.
The 1980's were without doubt a watershed, The Org itself changed, Ray Franz and friends had rattled them so much they decided to go down the route of being even more Authoritarian, and if you were not one who towed the line, you would never make " progress" in the Org.
Many moved to our Cong. as the last place that there was some semblance of freedom, and where there were intelligent people who actually made the Meetings interesting, and even F.S a bit of fun !
But, it gradually became more of a " normal" Congregation as it grew, it lost its independent spirit, and we , who now would have been labelled as Apostates I guess, either faded in to the background, or like me, left.
But to have been a member of a Congregation which today would be unthinkable in its free and independent Spirit, was I guess a better experience for me than if I had been somewhere else, I often think though, I would have woken up earlier, had I been in a little grey , boring C.O arse-licking Congregation. I could not have suffered it.