Its astonishing to reflectively realize the JWS are supporting a group of men who teach and profess a false and tainted commercialized Gospel of Jesus and his the new Kingdom order.
Out of hundreds of Christian faiths in existence only one teaches that 1914 was the year Christ returned and has taken to his heavenly throne in heaven.
According to the bible this date setting is an act of disloyalty and apostasy through the very words of Jesus. The WTS insisted that people could only become truly righteous in the eyes of god by making a vow of subservience to the leaders of the WTS/JWS the GB men.
They proclaimed that all other Christian faiths are false and have been made impure in righteousness .
The WTS has taught that mankind is living in the end times or last days and that the GT followed by Armageddon will happen soon in are life time.
All false doctrines if not by adherence to the bible but time itself.
Did or do the JWS forget that the leaders of this organization are running a relgoius publishing house ?
One could say the WTS was full of crass and corrupt marketing in its literature proliferation agenda.
I'm guessing the people who the JWS make a contact with are not critically thinking about this when the JWS come calling at their doors.