Why dont the JWS see that they are supporting a corrupt and commercialized false Gospel ?

by Finkelstein 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    Its astonishing to reflectively realize the JWS are supporting a group of men who teach and profess a false and tainted commercialized Gospel of Jesus and his the new Kingdom order.

    Out of hundreds of Christian faiths in existence only one teaches that 1914 was the year Christ returned and has taken to his heavenly throne in heaven.

    According to the bible this date setting is an act of disloyalty and apostasy through the very words of Jesus. The WTS insisted that people could only become truly righteous in the eyes of god by making a vow of subservience to the leaders of the WTS/JWS the GB men.

    They proclaimed that all other Christian faiths are false and have been made impure in righteousness .

    The WTS has taught that mankind is living in the end times or last days and that the GT followed by Armageddon will happen soon in are life time.

    All false doctrines if not by adherence to the bible but time itself.

    Did or do the JWS forget that the leaders of this organization are running a relgoius publishing house ?

    One could say the WTS was full of crass and corrupt marketing in its literature proliferation agenda.

    I'm guessing the people who the JWS make a contact with are not critically thinking about this when the JWS come calling at their doors.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    what astonished me was the amount of otherwise sane, intelligent , successful men i came across in my time that were active dubs.

    but i also came across lots of entry level losers as well.

  • Finkelstein

    Your right Stan there were some seemingly intelligent people who were JWS , I think there must have been a combination of thought control, combined with an offer of redemption, mixed with a measure of fear and a taste of power for some men.

    From the moment you talk to a JWS about their faith you are being indoctrinated by the WTS's direction and teachings . The controlling strategy by the WTS is put forth some information then make up a question which the information answers, is well documented in the WTS literature.

  • All or nothing
    All or nothing

    Also, don't forget the religion people were baptized into in the 70's-90's is certainly not the same jw religion of today. I sometimes feel a lot of the older ones kinda feel stuck because of all the time they have wasted aka invested in this...

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    only one teaches that 1914 was the year Christ returned and has taken to his heavenly throne in heaven.

    The Watchtower only exists for the purpose of teaching that the Age of Grace or Church Age is CLOSED.

    How do we know that? Because Jesus already came back in 1914 and selected all the ones that he wanted to give immortality to.

    How do we know that Jesus is not giving immortality to anyone else? Because the
    Age of Grace or Church Age is CLOSED - Or, so goes their reasoning.

    Jesus saw C.T. Russell coming before he was even born:

    if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand.
    “Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it. 27For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be
  • Zoos

    Sometimes I wonder if they are defending the governing body, or their own defense of the governing body.

  • RayoFlight2014

    Jw's don't dare to look sideways or have independent thought due to the fear of losing family and community.

    Their thoughts are coerced and controlled by watchtower, one only has to read the manipulative language used throughout the literature when it comes to independent research and thought to understand why Jehovah's witnesses are blind to the corruption, lies and deception of watchtower.

    As for the teaching that Jesus established government in 1914; the worth of any government can be quantified by its accomplishments during its term of governance.

    So, in 105 years, what has this government achieved? Check out what the Watchtower says, and I assure you that you will be extremely underwhelmed and unimpressed and you will see that it has apparently only done some pathetic housekeeping and other self-serving manoeuvres, nothing that helps its constituents.

    What the Watchtower and Jehovah's witnesses have done by their taking on a name other than the one that according to their bible, was given to them, namely Christians; they have made the name "Jehovah" toxic and if it does turn out to be Gods name they have without a doubt brought a great reproach on it.

    The world and all of us are witnesses to that fact.

    I , for one won't bear false witness to what I have seen and heard.

    Will you?


  • Finkelstein

    JWS are really subservient followers of sinning apostates who are professing their teachings through a publishing house.

    Or another identity is the Watchtower Corporation is a commercialized false prophet who lured others toward it by its false prophesies and apostate teachings.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    And it all hinges on claiming Jerusalem fell in 607, not 587, a year overwhelmingly attested to by history and astronomy.

  • redvip2000
    what astonished me was the amount of otherwise sane, intelligent , successful men i came across in my time that were active dubs.

    Agreed, it's a remarkable thing. I still know several active Jdubs that are some of the brightest people I've every met. Crazy how the mind can compartmentalize in this manner.

    Curiously, I've heard my mother use this to defend the Org -- claiming that she can't imagine brother A or B being wrong about the truth when they are so bright.

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