JW seek treatment for mental breakdown.
He tells the physician, my non-JW family tell me I'm nuts because I preach we are the only true religion (JWs).
The doctor said that is strange because I have two patients that checked in yesterday and they
each said they belong to the only true religions. One is a Mormon and the other a Muslim.
So the Doctor thought I will lock all three up in the same room for the night and see what
will happen with their delusion.
The next morning the Dr. speak with the JW, and the JW tells the doctor "Dr I'm not delusional anymore".
The doctor ask, how did you come to that conclusion?
Your punchline........
My punchline....After talking with those evil folks last night Jehovah came to me last night and he told me
" you are one of 144000 and I will speak to you personally, and trust me you are in the true religion".