Punk - I know. It's sad -- I felt sorry for their children even when in trouble. They didn't have good role models to begin with (not all, of course - some very good parents among the wolves) or healthy parameters. Poor children didn't have healthy opportunities in sports, dance, music - not good! The 'IN' crowd I was subjected to were incorrigible individuals who had attained power inside (from the power boys) and their children part of their environ. Bunch of houlihan/thugs that had learned to be on stage. Their children duplicate copies. I didn't want my child, nephew, niece around them because of bullying, being cussed out in PE class daily by child/grandchild of lead family with serious, city-wide power - nepotism stacked from top to bottom in hall(s). Mentioned to her hard-liner mother and total denial! That's when I said the brat is not allowed in my home ever again. Oh that went over well -- that was just the start! Never had problems with the "worldly" children in schools, outside dance studios (no JWs there, fortunately!) - hard working, responsible, parents trying to teach their children discipline, morals. It was horrifying!
Even infant/physical, abuse, situation - elder informed baby's mother/grandmother "Jehovah forgives" - really?!! That did me in - I've still not recovered. Perpetrator unrelated to 'IN' crowd but nonetheless. Heard one too many JW tell me they were sexually abused growing up as JW and still associated with the cult -- striving for power inside - very affected adults. Sad/pathetic. No wonder the cult leaders are against mental health professionals and police authority involvement. You can't believe what the juvenile courts were dealing with in relation to JW cases - (I have family/friend employed there). Cult's clergy class a worthless joke in that arena, also.