Yet More Apostate Damage Control

by neat blue dog 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Unbelievable. Okay actually it's very believable. Check out the latest video on JWdotORG:

    In it the GB helper rails against many major apostate talking points, mentioning specifically the criticisms of how child abuse cases are handled, the financial cutbacks and downsizing, dogmatic statements of prophecy made in literature in the past, and more. (How do they know this, are they looking at apostate material? Naughty naughty!) And of course the thrust of the whole talk is we need to strengthen our spiritual strength to avoid being stumbled if we hear these things. He goes on to say:

    We are being reminded repeatedly that Jehovah is using the Governing Body to give us the good things that we have.

    Then he says that it all comes down to having faith in these two things:

    This is God's word, and the Governing Body is the channel that Jehovah has been using.

    Nothing at all about faith in Jesus but no surprise there. I guess he got bronze.

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  • DesirousOfChange

    Sorry, I can't watch it.

    But it tells you they are worried about the modern day Exodus -- of "apostates" leaving the fold (with their wallets).

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  • slimboyfat

    Yep you’re right, they’re rattled.

    Is it indicative of a temporary COVID-inspired tremor, or a more complete unravelling of the organisation?

    He basically asks, “what will you do when the lights go out at Watchtower HQ?” And he doesn’t sound like he’s talking hypothetically.

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  • pistolpete

    He is telling the jws that they must PERSONALLY STUDY GOD'S WORD THE BIBLE.

    And that is exactly what the JWS are doing. They are following the direction given.

    And that's why many are waking up because they are finally reading the bible and seeing WHAT IT REALLY TEACHES.

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    Mr. Robert Luccioni must of read this book before his talk, ''Strengthen Your Spiritual Core.''

    Mr. Luccioni blames all the Watchtower Society's ills, mistakes, blunders, lies, false doctrines and prophecies on ''wicked men and imposters,'' ''lies and misrepresentations,'' ''twisted statements,'' ''negative spin,'' and ''some who are swayed, stumbled, knocked down and too heavy to carry.''

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  • mickbobcat

    We all must be having an affect on the cult or they would not be doing such videos.

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  • slimboyfat

    I don’t think they care what opponents say. They do care if it results in lower donations and lower income. I think that’s what prompted the outburst. Are Watchtower experiencing financial difficulty so bad that they see no way out?

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  • nowwhat?
    Wow sounds like they're in panic mode
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  • WTWizard

    Didn't they hear of what happened to Barbra Scheißand when that creature didn't want its home photographed and posted on an inconspicuous web site for environmental control purposes? This made this photo much more famous than it would have been.

    The same effect is happening when the washtowel keeps bringing attention to apostate points. The more they try and bash them, the more people are going to do their own research on it that otherwise never would have known about the issue. And just like Barbra Scheißand, the washtowel is going to have more unwanted attention to these problems.

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    They’re so good at censorship and pushing a narrative that I would swear they work for CNN.


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