Lack of zeal

by road to nowhere 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LongHairGal


    I would think the last of the zeal was before the millennium.

    So much has happened in the last two decades. Not only has the “End” not come but thousands have been released or fired from bethels and sent home with essentially nothing after decades of service. In the congregations everywhere Witnesses reached retirement age with NO preparation. These people cannot retire!

    So, for the religion to be saying there is no ‘zeal’ just shows they are in denial about the realities in the congregations (that their policies have brought about). Yeah, let’s pretend none of this ever happened.

    They are insulting everybody’s intelligence, yet again..Poor PIMOs! How can they stomach this garbage?

  • smiddy3

    I hear rumbling about the rank and file not having the same zeal they had when new.

    Is that something the Org. has said or is it just a general feeling you have in your experience ,I think it could make a big difference .

    Just asking.

  • tiki

    Well...when newly converted there is the excitement and anticipation of a new life...all problems solved....hence the "zeal"of the honeymoon phase. Then reality sets in. The routine...the repetitive rhetoric....and the dangling paradise carrot...jumping at every perverse occurrence in the news as a sign of the imminent Armageddon....and gradually this all becomes a muddled miasma.

    Loss of enthusiasm? Anyone who doesn't lose it has serious reality vs fantasy issues....

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere


    Special needs talk. " you vill be cheerful or else" ( German accent)

    Nothing like getting chewed on to increase morale.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Edit to local needs. One of the few that wasnt taken over by mother

  • punkofnice

    Did they ever have 'zeal'? The ones that appeared to were usually the loonies in the congregation. For the fairly normal ones, it was hard to maintain.

    I would say it did begin to fizzle when I was leaving at the time of the new light(tm) overlapping generations(tm).

    I often found a lot of apathy in the cong-abongo-i gregations.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    It's like this. This last holiday I traveled 500 miles to be with my family. When I first started the trip I was zealous knowing it would only take 9 hours to get there but after almost 14 hours caused by delays from heavy traffic I was tired and did not want to drive anymore. This is how many feel now in the wt. cult. Still Totally ADD

  • smiddy3

    Ok ,got it ,and I totally agree how tiki has put it.Well said.

  • Dubfounded_12

    Lack of Zeal has been an issue for years. I remember I used to put it down to Apathy on the part of the householder. What a dumbass!

  • iwantoutnow

    When Elders have most teaching time taken away.

    When Service is more about showing videos.

    When standing at a Cart for hours is touted as effective ministry.

    And when you declare 105 years of kingdom activity.

    That's when people are like, ok, I would rather go watch TV.

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