So as a child I was scared to death of the demons. In fact you may remember the WT and Awake loved to put stories of these attacks in the articles. As a youth I loved to read books. I would read all the encyclopedias (Binary Wikipedia) and I would read the bound volumes as well. So these stories would give me terrible nightmares and then there were the stories that would be told by older ones at gatherings that would have me so scared and crying as a child. My parents even said my Grandparents in Indiana had demon problems (grandad was not a JW and collected lots of civil war stuff) this was said to bring the demons. I left a JEAN jacket up there one summer and mom told me that it would have to stay up there to keep the demons from getting to me back in South Carolina. Needless to say it was fucking traumatic as a preteen to think these powerful spirit creatures are going to get me.
Now I doubt the reality of any of it and view it as a bunch of attempts to control. So tell me, if you feel it is all bullshit or do they exist? If they do exist than god exists and if they don’t then neither does god. To me, evil spirits helped me wake up as they are such a big part of the Bible and if they are a lie than so is everything else...