More on this topic:
On a Reddit post somebody said that after the elders meeting with the CO, each congregation member was given an inventory sheet to fill out - wanting to know what kinds of non-perishables people have, what sizes and how many, same with medicines and cleaning supplies.
They say the purpose is not just to know who has a need...but who has a SURPLUS! This implies that they expect people to actually fill out a form and tell THE RELIGION literally how many items they possess in cabinets in their home!..This means some JW is going to tell YOU that you possess too many and should give some away! And the people are supposed to update the inventory every Friday....Can you imagine the balls? What gets me is the stupidity of anybody in that religion gullible enough to imagine somebody has the right to know what’s in your home.
This religion must imagine this is a commune and they have a right to take what they want. People there are really goddamn stupid and words can’t describe how this sounds to me.
This religion has sunk very far and I’m so glad I left years ago!